Recent academic debates on global policy‐making often point to a "reconfiguration of authority" in the area of climate politics. They have highlighted some of the new carbon governance arrangements, which operate simultaneously at different governmental levels. However, despite numerous descriptions and mapping exercises of these governance arrangements, we have little systematic knowledge on their workings within nation states and their impact on public‐administrative systems (and climate policy) in developing countries. Based on a recent research project — with case studies in Brazil, India, Indonesia and South Africa — this lecture will open the “black box” of the nation‐state and explore how and to what extent two different arrangements, that is, Transnational City Networks (TCNs) and Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) have generated changes in the distribution of public authority in nation‐states and their administrations.
Prof. Dr. Harald Fuhr is Professor of International Politics at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Potsdam. His research focuses on international climate change policies and carbon governance, public sector reforms and local governance in developing countries. He has also been advising the GIZ, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the EU, the Development Center of the OECD, the World Bank, and the United Nations Development Program. From 2004-2006, he was Vice-Rector of the University of Potsdam and from 2006-2009, he coordinated a research cluster of the SFB 700 “Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood” and directed a research project on the Clean Development Mechanism. He is currently the speaker of the DFG Research Training Group on „Wicked Problems — Contested Administrations: Knowledge, Coordination, Strategy“. Prior to his position in Potsdam, he worked as Sr. Public Sector Management Specialist at the World Bank in Washington, DC.
Carola Betzold Klöck is an assistant professor at the Centre for International Research (CERI) at Sciences Po Paris. Her research centers on environmental and in particular climate change politics at all levels. Currently, Carola Klöck examines the links between adaptation to climate change and development aid, and specifically seeks to understand how aid for climate change adaptation is distributed across developing countries, as well as to what extent aid-funded adaptation measures are effective and sustainable.
Lien Vandamme is Policy Officer Climate and Natural Resources at 11.11.11
Tuesday 13 November 2018
From 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
University of Antwerp - Stadscampus
Rodestraat 14 - R.001 - 2000 Antwerpen (how to reach the Stadscampus?)
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