The objective of the conference is to redefine the scope and methodologies of political historiography by addressing its colonial biases and elitist foundations. It seeks to explore what it truly means to decolonize political history and to foster innovative approaches that break away from North Atlanticcentric paradigms. This includes reevaluating how pre-colonial political systems, non-hegemonic power structures, and global perspectives are studied and represented in historical narratives.
Questions that have been at the core of other subdisciplines deserve to be treated from a political history perspective. What kind of sources should we use to uncover power relationships in nonliterate societies? To which degree and in which ways can we use concepts from North Atlantic societies to describe pre-colonial political realities and vice versa? How can we overcome language gaps? Which contributions can scholars from other disciplines offer to the decolonization of political history? How can we stimulate collaboration between scholars from different parts of the world in order to genuinely practice what Carola Dietze has called a “history on equal terms”?
Rather than theoretical answers to these questions, we expect to gain insights in this matter through empirical and methodological approaches. We prioritize papers in which authors present the results of their historical research through the lens of these questions, and by doing so reflect on the possibilities and the limits of a decolonizing approach for political historiography. Of particular interest are papers in which the methodological and infrastructural challenges for this approach are being tackled.
Jean-Baptiste Lesueur, Gouaches of députés of the Convention Nationale, among whom J.B. Belley and J.B. Mills, described as "Hommes de Couleur, Députés des Colonies". Paris, Musée Carnavalet.
Conference center Grauwzusters