Mathematics research day on March 15 2023
Come and get to know the mathematical research at our university!
Are you curious about the cutting-edge research in mathematics done at our university? Are you interested to find out which topics the young researchers of the Department of Mathematics are investigating? Are you a student looking for inspiration on a good thesis topic? Are you perhaps aspiring to become a mathematics researcher yourself?
Whether you are a student, a fellow researcher, a teacher or simply a mathematics enthusiast, you are warmly invited to the third edition of the Mathematics Research Day. At this event, young researchers of the Department of Mathematics will introduce their field of study. Also other aspects of a research career in mathematics will be discussed. Some practical info:
- Most of the talks will be given in Dutch.
- Date: Wednesday, March 15th - from 13h30 until 18h00.
- Place: on campus Middelheim, in the auditorium M.G.010.
- Participation is free of charge, but registration is mandatory.
The event will consist of a number of talks and pitch presentations about research conducted at our department. All presentations will be held on the level of knowledge of our bachelor students. There will be a coffee & tea break in the afternoon, offering a chance for speakers and participants alike to discuss. Learn more about the programme and about the talks.
See you then!

Organisation: Marta Farre Puiggali, Sandor Hajdu, Senne Ignoul, Arne Mertens, Remi Rasson & Bas Symoens