Career prospects

The positive effects of physiotherapy have been well documented in the scientific literature. The expertise of physiotherapists is highly appreciated and sought after, and physiotherapists are becoming increasingly important in the changing landscape of healthcare.

As a Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy graduate you will find employment in both the intramural and extramural healthcare, whether or not in combination with an academic career. 

Intramural health care

You will have the necessary practical skills and theoretical knowledge to start a professional career as a physiotherapy practitioner. You will be well prepared to pursue a career in a clinical setting such as a rehabilitation clinic, a day centre or a hospital where you will work in collaboration with other clinical experts (medical doctors, nurses, occupational therapists) and where you will be in close contact with your patients.

The professional network you have established throughout your clinical internships and Master’s thesis trajectory will be an advantage when searching for employment in the broad field of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy.

Extramural health care

You can also start as an employee in a private practice or become self-employed and start a private clinic, in collaboration with partners or in an association.

Academic career

The research skills you have developed throughout the programme may also help you to continue your education in a PhD or an Advanced Master's programme in Antwerp or abroad.