WP1 - Monitoring of Migration trends

Coordinator: dr. Johan Wets (KULeuven - HIVA)
Research: Sarah Van den Broucke
Start: June 2012
This work package focuses on monitoring and analysing migration trends and their possible impact on integration policy. The four-year study consists of two main components:
- Monitoring migration trends (migration flows, stock and processes)
- Analysing correlations between migration trends and existing/new policies and changing contexts


Work Package 1 concentrates on monitoring migration trends in Flanders and Belgium, within a European and international framework. Monitoring implies the systematic follow-up of data. The available figures will be grouped in various ways and at various policy and analytical levels. The quantitative approach includes following up on a variety of foreign and international sources, while qualitative monitoring involves data that cannot be quantified, including modifications to legislation (in Belgium, as well as in neighbouring countries) and changing economic context. This work package requires collaboration with relevant government service agencies, where possible, including for the follow-up of integration processes.
To improve understanding with regard to the implications of migration at the national and regional levels, migration trends and patterns will be mapped according to systematic quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis, thereby facilitating pro-active policy. Migration and integration policy challenges are multi-dimensional, and they are related to other policy areas, evolutions and events across borders. Monitoring and analysing migration trends will therefore require following up on a wide range of data. In the interest of evidence-based policy, several migrant groups and new migrations will be discussed within the context of a period of growing super-diversity.

Impact analysis

A second part of this work package focuses on the social transitions caused by the inflow of new Flemings. The limited impact analysis of new policy measures concentrates on the effects of the inflow of new migrants at various policy levels in Flanders/Belgium (and vice versa). The results of this research component are intended to support policymaking.

WP1 - Publications

Work package output:


Van den Broucke, Sarah; De Cuyper, Peter & Wets, Johan (2014). Profielschets en inburgeringtrajecten van Zuid-Europese immigranten in Vlaanderen. Rapport. Steunpunt Inburgering en Integratie, 103 p.


Vanduynslager, Lieselot; Wets, Johan; Noppe, Jo & Gerlinde Doyen (2013). Vlaamse Migratie- en Integratiemonitor 2013. Rapport. Steunpunt Inburgering en Integratie en Studiedienst van de Vlaamse Regering, 182 p.

(Vrouwelijke) migratie in België en Vlaanderen in cijfers (Lieselot Vanduynslager). Fact sheet. Steunpunt Inburgering en Integratie, juni 2013, 22p.


Statistische migratie-en integratiebronnen in kaart (Lieselot Vanduynslager). Fact sheet. Steunpunt Inburgering en Integratie, december 2012, 15 p. - Online databank

Monitoring van Migratie en Integratie (Johan Wets). Steunpunt Inburgering en Integratie. Fact sheet. Steunpunt Inburgering en Integratie, december 2012, 14 p.