1. Partnership projects
1.1 Book publications
- Handboek consumentenrecht en marktpraktijken (Antwerpen, Larcier-Intersentia, 2023)
- Social Media Influencers and the #Law (Heverlee, LeA uitgevers, 2024)
- Doorwerking van het Europees consumentenrecht in het nationaal procesrecht : een analyse van termijnen, ambtshalve toepassing en werking van rechterlijke beslissingen (Antwerpen, Larcier-Intersentia, 2023)
- Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers (Springer, 2021)
1.2 Seminars
- "Actualia consumentenrecht & marktpraktijken", 28 November 2023 (Nexus) and 12 December 2023 (Gandaius).
- "Studiedag nieuw consumentenrecht", 2 June 2022.
- "Digitalisering van het recht en consumentenbescherming", 24 May 2019.
- "Wetboek Economisch Recht en Bescherming van de Consument", 30 November 2015.
1.3 Common activities
Both directors Reinhard Steennot and Gert Straetmans are members of the 'Academische Werkgroep Consumentenrecht' (Academic Workgroup Consumer Law) commissioned in 2022 by the Belgian state secretary for consumer protection.
2. Individual projects
Gert Straetmans:
- International Academy of Comparative Law, National Rapporteur for Belgium, Contractualisation of Civil Litigation, 2022.
- Senior expert for Belgium in the European Consumer Compendium, financed by the European Commission.
- Senior expert Update Consumer Law Database, financed by the European Commission (2019-2022), coordinated by Mainstrat.
- Senior expert European Commission Study on the implementation of the GPSD (General Product Safety Directive), (2019-2020), Belgian report and Luxembourg report, coordinated by CIVIC-Consulting.
- Senior expert European Commission Study on possible impacts of the revision of the CCD (Consumer Credit Directive), (2020-2021), Belgian report, coordinated by ICF Consuming Services Limited.
- International Academy of Comparative Law, General Editor Information Obligations and Disinformation of Consumers, 2018.
- Senior expert in the Research Project on Product Liability and new technologies in the EU (European Tort Law Group), financed by the National Science Centre, Warschau, Poland, 2014-2016.
- Senior expert in the Study on the Functioning of the National Judicial Systems for the Application of Consumer Protection Law Rules, financed by the European Commission (The 2014 EU Justice Scoreboard, DG Justice), 2013-2014.
- Senior expert in the Research Project: European Perspectives on producers liability, University of Münster (2007-2009).
- Senior expert in the European Consumer Compendium Group (2004-2007), financed by de European Commission.
- Member of the Acquis Group (Research Group on the Existing EC Private Law – 2004-).
- Coordinator of the European research projects JAI/02/FPC/01/BE (2002-2003) – international sales contracts, and JAI/2004/FPC/005 (2004-2006) – family law in the EU (1999-2000) and 'Advertising legislation and consumer protection', financed by the European Commission.