TINA in practice

Just as many industries, the news industry has been disrupted by fast developments in the online world. The decline in print, the rise of ad-blocking technology, fake news, and the need for new revenue streams are just some of the challenges that the news industry is currently facing. Our research addresses these challenges. We aim to make every study contribute to both academia and practice. If you have any thoughts, questions, insights or challenges that you want to share with us, please send us a message!


We have previously collaborated with:

  • HLN.be
  • De Telegraaf
  • NU.nl
  • De Raad voor de Reclame
  • Mediahuis
  • VRT

These collaborations involved a/b-testing on news websites, usability testing, contributing to legislation, and sharing and analyzing data. We are not being funded by commercial organizations. Our researchers are being funded by the FWO and the University of Antwerp.

If you have any challenges, interesting data, or ideas for future collaborations, please send us a message.

Output in practice

Download our whitepapers for the industry

Krouwer, S. (2020). Native Advertising op nieuwswebsites. Een effectieve én duurzame implementatie met de TREF-principes. Onderzoeksrapport. Antwerpen: Universiteit Antwerpen, Faculteit Sociale Wetenschappen, Departement Communicatiewetenschappen. 79 p.
Download this whitepaper

Read about our studies in online blogs

Lamot, K. & Paulussen, S. Het gebruik van web-analytics door nieuwsredacties https://www.vlaamsjournalistiekfonds.be/het-gebruik-van-web-analytics-door-nieuwsredacties

Krouwer, S. (2017). Native Ads on News Websites: Why We Should Focus More on Readers’ Involvement. https://nativeadvertisinginstitute.com/blog/native-ads-news-websites-focus-readers-involvement/

Krouwer, S. (2017, 15 February). Native Advertising: hoe prominent mogen labels en het adverterende merk zijn? https://www.marketingfacts.nl/berichten/native-advertising-hoe-prominent-mogen-labels-en-het-adverterende-merk-zijn

Krouwer, S. (2018). De 3 meest gestelde vragen over het labellen van native advertisements op nieuwssites. En de antwoorden. https://www.denieuwereporter.nl/2018/11/de-3-meest-gestelde-vragen-over-het-labellen-van-native-advertisements-op-nieuwssites-en-de-antwoorden/ 

Krouwer, S. (2019). Study: does the type of label influence readers’ evaluations of native ads? https://nativeadvertisinginstitute.com/blog/study-does-the-type-of-label-influence-readers-evaluations-of-native-ads/ 

Krouwer, S. (2020). Native advertenties: de invloed van tweezijdige informatie op vertrouwen. https://www.marketingfacts.nl/berichten/native-advertenties-de-invloed-van-tweezijdige-informatie-op-vertrouwen