Prof. Dr. Ir. Filip J.R. Meysman

Prof. Dr. Ir. Filip Meysman is full professor within the Department of Biology at University of Antwerp (Belgium). Within the Global Change Ecology Excellence Centre, his research focuses on biogeochemical cycling, the large-scale interactions between biology, chemistry and geology. Amongst other topics, his research focuses on how marine ecossytemes can be used to extract CO2 from the atmosphere (negative CO2 emissions) and he investigates the intriguing and exciting phenomenon of microbial electricity in the ocean floor. As part of scientific outreach activities, he's busy with citizen science projects CurieuzeNeuzen in the garden and CurieuzenAir.

Office: d.C.121
Tel.: +32 (0)32 65 89 31

Prof. Dr. Ruurd van Diggelen

Prof. Dr. Rudy van Diggelen studies wetlands in terms of their conservation and restoration.

Office: d.C.124
Tel.: +32 (0)32 65 22 95

Assistant Prof. Dr. Tobias Ceulemans

Dr. Tobias Ceulemans is an assistant professor and expert in Environmental Ecology.

Office: d.C.124