Thesis title: The role of international (quasi-)judicial mechanisms in ensuring reparation for arbitrary displacement

Congratulations to Deborah Casalin, who successfully defended her dissertation on 6th June 2022. The title of her dissertation was "The role of international (quasi-)judicial mechanisms in ensuring reparation for arbitrary displacement". 

On her doctoral jury were: prof. dr. Frederik Swennen (dean, University of Antwerp), prof. dr. Koen De Feyter (Thesis promotor), prof. dr. Felipe Gómez Isa (University of Deusto, Spain), prof. dr. Carolien Jacobs (Universiteit Leiden), prof. dr. Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez (VUB & Universiteit Antwerpen), prof. dr. Stephan Parmentier (KU Leuven), and prof. dr Stef Vandeginste (IOB, Universiteit Antwerpen).