This page provides a look at the technical equipment and the expertise available at the Neurosurgery department. We always welcome collaboration with other departments, universities and the industry.

Multimodality Monitoring

In collaboration with the department of intensive care, the department of neurosurgery possesses an extensive array of devices for monitoring brain function and metabolism in unconscious patients.  Extensive expertise exists in the integration and interpretation of such advanced monitoring, which serves to facilitate more targeted treatment (Precision Medicine).  The figure below illustrates the complexity of such systems providing information on:

Intracranial pressure
Brain auto regulation
Brain oxygenation
Cerebral blood flow
Cerebral metabolism (microdialysis)
Electrical activity


The main research line focuses on traumatic brain injury and cerebral vascular disease. The department of neurosurgery has extensive expertise in coordinating large scale studies on TBI and has a dedicated clinical research unit including a logistic manager, data managers, neuropsychologist and research nurse.

A dedicated team, coordinated by Prof Tomas Menovsky, brings a broad range of expertise to advanced treatment and research in the management of patients with cerebral vascular lesions such as a cerebral aneurysm or arterial venous malformation.  Novel approaches to facilitate surgery have been developed and implemented making use of the advanced monitoring described above. Technical advances include training faculties for extensive training of microvascular dissection and the development of novel bio-implants for securing aneurysms which are fully MR compatible.


Andrew Maas:

Large database with individual patient data of traumatic brain injuries (IMPACT database)

Tomas Menovsky:

Microsurgery workshops