A.A.C. 2010

Within our research institute, the Antwerp Center of Evolutionary Demography, we organize the first ACED Workshop on Team and Community Diversity. It will take place at September 23-24, 2010, at the cultural conference centre Elzenveld in Antwerp. The workshop is intended to provide a platform for presentation and discussion of recent work on team and community diversity. We are proud to host two prominent researchers from this field, Rafael Wittek (University of Groningen) and Koen Frenken (Eindhoven University of Technology), as well as some of their Ph.D. students.

The conference consists of two days. Each day is dedicated to another topic: team and intra-organizational diversity (day 1) and inter-organizational diversity (day 2). All presentations are scheduled for a time slot of 60 minutes. Each presentation should take at most 30 minutes. After a presentation, two discussants will raise two substantial questions (preferably without a Powerpoint presentations), which takes at most 5 minutes. Discussants will be assigned in advance, which is when all papers are distributed among the workshop participants. The remaining 25 minutes are split into two parts: a discussion of at most 10-15 minutes and a break. The break, which is 10-15 minutes, can be used for informal bilateral discussions or other activities. Having time for bilateral discussions after every presentation is an intentional choice in order to encourage the discussion of questions that people might not want to ask in a larger audience.

Preliminary program

Day 1 (23/09/2010): Intra-organizational diversity
Time Speaker Title Discussant
9:00 Arjen van Witteloostuijn / Christophe Boone Opening and introduction
Session 1 (session chair: César Garcia-Diaz)
9:30 Alona Labun Disentangling the relation between interpersonal trust, personal sense of power, and job satisfaction: A mediation and moderation analysis Sandy Bogaert
10:30 Tine Buyl TMT composition, attention focus, and long-term firm performance: A conceptual framework Alona Labun
11:30 André Grow Status dynamics and employee effort allocation in multi-task organizational settings Gabor Peli
12:30 Lunch break
Session 2 (session chair: Urbig)
14:00 Olivier van der Brempt Belgian works councils - the impact of subgroups on work group processes and its effectiveness Valeska Korff
15:00 Valeska Korff Reaffirming motivations – Mechanisms of institutionalized socialization in humanitarian organizations Katrin Mühlfeld-Kerstan
16:00 Gilmar Zambrana Political diversity in local governments: incentives and motivations for allocating resources André Grow
Day closure
17:00 Rafael Wittek Wrap up and general thoughts about opportunities and threats in this field of research
18:30 Social event


Day 2 (24/09/2010): Inter-organizational diversity
Time Speaker Title Discussant
9:00 Arjen van Witteloostuijn / Christophe Boone Opening and introduction
Session 3 (session chair: Bogaert)
9:30 Koen Frenken A spatial differentiation of industrial dynamics: A core-periphery analysis based on the extended pavitt-classification César Garcia-Diaz
10:30 Tatiana Plotnikova Success in Pharmaceutical Research: The Changing Role of Scale and Scope Economies, Spillovers and Competition Marc van Wegberg
11:30 Sjoerd Hardeman Proximity, collaboration and Mode 2 knowledge production: The case of non-pharmaceutical type 2 diabetes mellitus research in Europe Tatiana Plotnikova
12:30 Lunch break
Session 4 (session chair: Mühlfeld-Kerstan)
14:00 Jarno Hoekman Bringing cohesion back into science policy? A geographical analysis of allocation and effect of European Framework Programme projects Diemo Urbig
15:00 Matthijs de Zwaan Industry overlap and urban interdependencies Sjoerd Hardeman
16:00 Anil Divarci High schools in Turkey from a community ecology perspective Jarno Hoekman
Day closure
17:00 César Garcia-Diaz Wrap up
17:15 Arjen van Witteloostuijn / Christophe Boone Closing words