Eye tracking research lab

The Antwerp Humanities Lab (AnHuLab) creates an environment for master students and researchers to conduct experimental studies in which eyetracking is used. In the context of research and method classes, it can also be used to introduce students to this research technique.

AnHuLab aims at facilitating a wide range of observational studies in Humanities. For instance:

  • writing and reading studies 
  • marketing and consumer behavior
  • media studies
  • gaming 
  • social interaction
  • psycholinguistics
  • optimal design, usability 

Eye-movement data is used to investigate the cognitive processes involved in reading, writing, and processing information on a computer screen. The Tobii eyetracker (Tobii TX 300) that is curently installed in the lab allows fine-grained logging of eye fixations and eye movements that can be used to interpret the participants’ interactions with the displayed information.

The AnHuLab is financed by the University of Antwerp - Practicumfonds (2012).