Jobs and internships

Vacancies at Edubron are announced on the UA’s vacancy page. Are you looking for a job as a member of our academic staff, or are you interested in doing a doctorate? Then keep an eye on this page.

You are also very welcome to contact one of the Edubron lecturers or professors to discuss the possibility of an externally or internally financed PhD research project. Edubron has a great deal of experience in providing support and guidance to promising young researchers when it comes to putting together applications for research funding from the Flanders Research Foundation (FWO) and the Agency for Innovation by Science & Technology (IWT). The UA is also able to provide internal funding to young researchers with particular interests and skills through the University Research Fund (BOF).

Edubron offers a number of internships. These can be either a research internship, as part of a master’s degree in instructional science, psychology, social work etc;  or an internship as part of a teacher education degree course, or courses in office management, applied/pure communication...

We are also always on the lookout for part-time student employees who are interested in assisting us with the many research projects currently being conducted at Edubron. Tasks can range from making transcriptions (typing out interviews), data input and quality control, contacting schools and respondents...

Interested? Let us hear from you!

If you would like to know more about the possibilities of doing a PhD with us, please contact Peter Van Petegem, or one of the other members of the research group.