Virtual reality as a method to cope with labor pain
CIN : Computers informatics nursing. - ISSN 1538-9774-42:8 (2024) p. 574-582
Deferred cord clamping to improve neonatal blood values : a systematic review and meta-analysis
International journal of nursing studies - ISSN 0020-7489-153 (2024) p. 1-10
Pregnancy-related anxiety and associated coping styles and strategies : a cross-sectional study
International journal of childbirth - ISSN 2156-5287-13:3 (2023) p. 159-173
Factors associated with the intention of pregnant women to give birth with epidural analgesia : a cross-sectional study
BMC pregnancy and childbirth - ISSN 1471-2393-23:1 (2023) p. 1-9
On cloud nine? Maternal emotional wellbeing six weeks up to one year postpartum: a cross-sectional study
Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare - ISSN 1877-5756-36 (2023) p. 1-8