Rethinking Citizenship Education in Times of (Un)Belonging: The Role of Emotions in Finding a Balance Between Unity and Diversity;
Over the past decades, European societies are characterized by increasing ethno-cultural diversification and debates on social cohesion, national identities, and citizenship are prominent in contemporary society. Education plays a key role in promoting a shared sense of belonging and emerging interest in citizenship education is, therefore, perceptible in research, policy and practice. Substantial literature has explored the normative, 'fact-based' nature of citizenship education. Yet, previous research has shown that ethnic minority students in Europe construct different collective identities than ethnic majority students and (sub)national identities appear to be less attractive to ethnic minority youth. These results imply that civic knowledge and attitudes are not able to bind ethnic minority students emotionally to an 'imagined national community'. This research aims to understand how young people perform their belonging and how education affects these processes of belonging. This study specifically focuses on the emotional processes related to issues of belonging and citizenship in education, without ignoring power relations and the social and political context involved. With the use of an ethnographic and narrative approach, this study aims to gain a nuanced understanding of how belonging and citizenship are understood, enacted, and experienced by young people attending secondary education.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Clycq Noel
- Promoter: Vanhoof Jan
- Co-promoter: Clycq Noel
- Co-promoter: Touquet Heleen
- Co-promoter: Vanhoof Jan
- Fellow: Brummer Imke
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project
Emotions, Belonging and Collective Identity Formation in Education: Balancing Between Unity and Diversity in Flanders
Debates on social cohesion, (sub)national identities, and citizenship are prominent in contemporary society. This research aims to understand the influence of education in the making of (collective) identities, by studying the role of emotions in the construction of feelings of belonging. Education has a key role in promoting a shared sense of belonging to strengthen social cohesion. Emerging interest in citizenship education is perceptible in research, policy and practice, and substantial literature explored the normative, 'fact-based' nature of citizenship education. Yet, previous research has shown that ethnic minority students in Europe construct different collective identities than ethnic majority students and that (sub)national identities are less attractive for minority youth. This implies that civic knowledge and attitudes are not able to emotionally bind minority students to an 'imagined national community'. Emotional investments of citizenship and belonging in education have gone relatively understudied. Hence, this study focuses on the emotional processes related to issues of belonging and citizenship in education, without ignoring power relations and the social and political context involved. With the use of a sequential mixed-methods design, this study aims to explore how (collective) identities are constructed by young people and how belonging and citizenship are understood, enacted, and experienced in schools in Flanders.Researcher(s)
- Promoter: Clycq Noel
- Co-promoter: Touquet Heleen
- Fellow: Brummer Imke
Research team(s)
Project type(s)
- Research Project