Shimmer 3 - GSR+ kit & ECG/EMG unit kit

The Shimmer 3 is a portable device to collect physiological data. The lab has two Shimmer 3 kits that can each capture different data: the GSR+ kit and the ECG/EMG unit kit.

The GSR+ kit is mainly used for arousal and stress measures, for example to study implicit responses to stimuli (e.g. text, movies, advertisement, …). It includes two sensors:

  • GSR: to measure skin conductance
  • PPG: to measure heart rate variability through blood volume pulse

The ECG/EMG Unit kit also has two sensors:

  • ECG: to measure muscle activity/tension
  • EMG: to directly measure heart rate

In contrast to the GSR+ kit, these sensors cannot be used simultaneously. The ECG/EMG Unit kit can be used for arousal, heart rate, muscle, gait, and posture data analysis. It can be used to study, for example, physical approach behaviour and to triangulate GSR data.

The Shimmer 3 sensors is used together with the iMotions software package.

Amount: 3x GSR kit, 3x ECG/EMG unit kit

How to use Shimmer 3? 

You can find an online manual You can find an here on how to use the GSR+ kit. For the ECG/EMG unit kit, another online manual is provided.