A case for activating producers rights in discussions on conservation of biodiversity through Geographical Indications
Journal of intellectual property law and practice - ISSN 1747-1532- (2024) p.
Bringing access and benefit sharing into the digital age
Plants, People, Planet - ISSN 2572-2611-4:1 (2022) p. 5-12
Beyond the material : knowledge aspects in seed commoning
Agriculture and human values - ISSN 0889-048X-38:2 (2021) p. 509-524
Commoning the seeds : the future of agrobiodiversity and food security
The commons, plant breeding and agricultural research : challenges for food security and agrobiodiversity-p. 1-20
Planting the commons Towards redesigning an equitable global seed exchange
The commons, plant breeding and agricultural research : challenges for food security and agrobiodiversity-p. 272-289