Politics & Public Governance


Politics & Public Governance (PPG) is one of the four research groups from the Department of Political Sciences of the UAntwerp (Faculty of Social Sciences). Our research is focused on three axes:

  • Diversity and equality in politics & public governance
  • Knowledge and information in and through politics & public governance
  • Politics & public governance in a European multi-layered and multi-actor context

We study political and public governance institutions, their evolution and how institutional mechanisms shape actors’ scope of action, positions, decisions and behaviour. Hereto, the research group combines expertise from political science, public administration, policy studies as well as public law. Our research group is also involved in the GOVTRUST Centre of Excellence

For more information about our research group, its mission and core themes, please click on the following pdf link: PDF info PPG

This research group is the result of a merger in 2018 between Public Administration & Management (PA&M) and Citizenship, Equality and Diversity (CED). Professor Peter Bursens also joined this new research group.