The effectiveness of novel genotypes and soil organic matter to protect agricultural grasslands against increasingly persistent weather. 01/11/2020 - 31/10/2024


Recent observations show that weather patterns are becoming more persistent in Europe. A growing number of studies indicates that average weather is being replaced by a sequence of anomalously long alternating wet and dry periods. This shift in climate regimes will likely have negative consequences for ecosystem functioning, particularly in agricultural grasslands which provide a variety of ecosystem services in Flanders. New insights suggest that recently developed drought resistant grass genotypes in combination with increased soil organic matter content can increase and stabilize productivity while reducing nutrient leaching throughout a fluctuating climate. However, knowledge of the interactions between these novel grass species, soil, and increased weather persistence is lacking. By mechanistically investigating their interrelationships, we intend to provide sustainable solutions that improve agricultural resilience in times of climate change.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project