Research team


Teaching methodology of Economics and Business Administration Entrepreneurial education Teacher education Teacher professionalization Subject-specific learning communities School policy Learning psychology

The school as an attractive and high-quality workplace to retain teachers. 01/10/2023 - 30/09/2025


With ongoing demographic shifts and an influx of trainees into the teaching profession, the projected teacher shortage is anticipated to worsen in the coming years, affecting both primary and secondary education. As educators play a pivotal role in shaping students' learning experiences, this scarcity of teachers poses a significant risk to the overall quality of education. The situation in Flanders reflects a clear correlation between the teacher shortage and outcomes such as the IDP results in primary education. This project answers important research questions through both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The research team working on this project has extensive experience and expertise in the field of teacher shortage and related topics. The first research question focuses on identifying different school profiles with regard to attracting and retaining teachers. Various factors are taken into account, such as school context (location, student population, etc.), age structure of teachers, experience and continuity of school leaders, and other relevant characteristics. The goal is to understand which characteristics schools have that show higher or lower teacher retention. Available administrative data will be used to answer this question, with due observance of the privacy rules. The second research question focuses on identifying schools that manage to better retain teachers despite similar characteristics and circumstances. These schools and school boards are analyzed to gain insight into their policies, practices and processes. Aspects such as professionalization and guidance at the start of the career, career development, psychosocial well-being and workload of teachers, school organization, team composition and leadership are examined. In addition, supra-school factors, such as school boards, school communities and scale size, are examined, and which strategies are applied there. The aim is to learn from these schools and identify their approaches to promoting teacher retention. In addition to generating knowledge, valorisation is an important aspect of this research project. We actively disseminate and use the research findings, so that they have a real impact on the educational field and policy makers. Various valorisation activities are planned such as study days, webinars and a professionalization trajectory. In addition, a practice-oriented manual is being developed about school policy aimed at HR policy. The aim is to provide practical guidance and recommendations to school principals and policy makers to support them in developing and implementing effective HR policies aimed at retaining teachers. Another result of this research project is the development of an early warning dashboard. It offers schools (boards) the opportunity to recognize signals at an early stage that indicate a possible increased risk of teacher turnover, so that they can take appropriate measures in time. This research project contributes to increasing the insight into the teacher shortage and its consequences for the quality of education in Flanders. Through thorough research and analysis, the project team aims to generate valuable knowledge and recommendations that can contribute to addressing this pressing problem. The aim is to provide policy makers and educational institutions with actionable insights and effective strategies to improve teacher retention and thus ensure the quality of education.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

The inflow and outflow in the teaching profession from a comparative perspective 01/07/2023 - 30/06/2024


This research consists of two major research parts. Overall (i.e. both for regular new teachers and for second career teachers) we want to develop a framework based on literature research with the factors that contribute to the retention of new teachers in Flemish education and the measures that can be taken to reduce outflow/attrition The following research questions are addressed: 1. How many graduates of teacher training courses/second career teachers start as teachers in Flemish education? How do these numbers evolve over time? 2. What are the profile characteristics of graduates who do or do not start as teachers? Which factors can explain whether or not graduates enter the profession? 3. How many new teachers/second career teachers leave Flemish education within five years of starting their work as a teacher? Evolution? Comparison with other sectors? 4. What are the profile characteristics of new teachers/second career teachers who may or may not continue to work as teachers in Flemish education? Which factors can explain whether starting teachers leave the profession or not?


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

GO ALL for learning! Strengthening shared educational and transformational leadership through learning communities aimed at preventing and remedying learning disabilities 01/09/2021 - 30/06/2023


Professionalization trajectories for school leaders effective factors for sustainable development processes School leaders (i.e. directors of schools in regular education) in Flanders participate during their career in (mandatory) professionalization initiatives, organized by various education partners. Empirical research into the real (long-term) effects of their participation and into underlying explanatory processes is limited. There is, however, a clearer view of the success conditions for professionalization initiatives in education (including Merchie, Tuytens, Devos & Vanderlinde, 2018) as well as, for example, increasing evidence regarding recommendations for the approach and nature of the professional development of school leaders (Daniëls, Hondeghem & Dochy , 2019). In-depth quantitative and qualitative research into factors of professionalization initiatives perceived by school leaders as effective into the nature and focus of the development processes they generate and the interaction between the two is indicated to optimize the added value of the future professionalization offer. An important outcome of the intended professionalization offer is the stimulation of real change down to the classroom floor. A literature study forms the basis for mapping the current knowledge about the effectiveness of professionalization initiatives for school leaders. Due to the possible interaction between factors related to the school leader and the context in which the school leader functions, it is also opportune to explore the specific context of school leadership in Flanders – more specifically for secondary education – in terms of, among other things, regulations, tasks and career development. -research. A two-year professionalization program in which approximately 80 school leaders and 80 student counselors participate forms the scope of this doctoral research. The research is conducted by Dra. Els Tanghe with Prof.Dr. Wouter Schelfhout. The written initial analysis, follow-up analysis and final analysis of the participating school leaders contribute to the research into the interaction between person- and context-related factors and the effect of the professionalization trajectory followed. On the basis of an observation instrument that is drawn up on the basis of the literature study, it is mapped during the contact moments on which development processes the teachers actually use, how they do this, and which success conditions are discussed in the literature. . The observation data serve as a basis for focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with the participating school leaders  both at the end of the first and second year and six months after the program has ended  to examine the relationship between the approach, contents and the changes within the school and to map out the associated perceived effectiveness. In addition, the observational data serve to question the teachers of the professionalization initiative about their approach and choices in function of the set goals and their perception of the effectiveness of this professionalization trajectory. Given the aim of professionalization initiatives to bring about development processes at a certain level in function of quality education, it is relevant to map the perceived effectiveness of the offer and the interaction with factors related to the school leader and school context. This is done by means of 360° feedback by team members of the school leaders participating in the training initiatives and of the students who attend school there and their parents.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

It takes two to teach! The effects of team teaching models on experiences, learning patterns and learning outcomes in student teachers during field experiences. 01/05/2020 - 30/04/2024


Within teacher education, field experiences are crucial in training future teachers. During these internships, student teachers are typically placed individually with a mentor. Since collaboration in schools gains importance (e.g. collegial visitation, co-teaching, learning communities), teacher education institutes show a growing interest in field experiences inspired by collaborative learning. Collaboration between student teachers has several benefits (e.g. enhanced communication skills). Therefore, a paired placement, during which two student teachers share a mentor, is suggested to be a good alternative for an individual placement. During paired placements, opportunities for team teaching, which refers to two or more teachers in some level of collaboration in the planning, delivery, and/or evaluation of a course, arise. Different team teaching models exist (e.g. assistant teaching, equal status model). However, research comparing these models is limited. Therefore, this project investigates how the actors involved in team teaching (student teachers, mentors, teacher educators) experience different team teaching models. Moreover, it examines the effects of these models on student teachers' learning patterns and learning outcomes. In this way, the proposed research contributes to theory development on (dis)advantages of different team teaching models and to a comprehensive understanding of student teachers' learning in paired placements.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Valorizing Integrated and Action-Oriented Education for Sustainable Development at School (VALIES). 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2021


VALIES focuses on the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in formal education in Flanders. A central issue is a teacher professional development (TPD) within which teacher teams develop and implement ESD in the context of their own school. The research focuses on (1) the operationalisation of 'action competence' as the outcome of ESD, (2) the effectiveness of the TPD (3) the effectiveness of ESD (4) the role school culture, en (5) the role of social contexts. The project will result in tools that aim to facilitate the implementation of ESD in formal education in Flanders.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Financial literacy@School. 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2021


There is need for increased financial education in view of widespread financial illiteracy and the benefits for individual well-being and society at large that are associated with high levels of financial literacy. Although the OECD policy recommendation to introduce financial education at school is well accepted, there is no consensus on the optimal way to implement financial education at school. We will develop a holistic approach to financial education at school in which we will explicitly acknowledge the influence of the main agents of financial socialisation (such as parents and teachers) and will assess the impact of the learning environment by examining the effect of class differentiation. The possible academic and practical contribution is empirically examined based on randomised field experiments in which the innovative teaching material developed is evaluated in close collaboration with the valorisation partners.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Leading Learning by Networking project (LELENET). 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2020


The project is aimed at the development and piloting of training modules focused on the development of competencies of school leaders to manage professional networks of teachers. This strengthens the expertise of headteachers in their efforts to promote joint, team and organizational learning in the area of diversity management at schools. Thanks to this, we will support headteachers in their competencies to lead and manage a professional network focusing on the development of inclusive education. and also support headteachers trainers in their ability to offer and lead courses focused on networking. The project also supports schools in their offer of quality education enabling success to all young students (inclusive education), as the main objective of networking and exchange of experience among teachers/schools is improving the quality of education/learning and increasing the professionalism of teaching work.


Research team(s)

Project website

Project type(s)

  • Research Project
  • Education Project

Smart organising of dual learning: electro-mecanic techniques. 01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018


Op 1 september 2017 zijn in 4 proeftuinscholen leerlingen gestart in de nieuwe studierichting Elektromechanische technieken duaal (EMT). In voorbereiding hiervan werden in 2016 3 regionale leergemeenschappen opgestart, dit in het kader van het voorafgaande ESF-project met referentie 330-6085. Het uitgangspunt is dat: • het werken met leergemeenschappen de vereiste samenwerking tussen scholen en werkpartners (sectoren, bedrijven, ..) zal kunnen faciliteren, • de leergemeenschappen en de samenwerking daarbinnen best zal worden ondersteund door een (of meerdere) procescoach(en) afkomstig uit dit samenwerkingsverband zodat een engagement op langere termijn kan ontstaan. Deze procescoachen zullen op hun beurt daartoe op een haalbare en praktijkgerichte wijze moeten worden opgeleid (coach-the-coach). We veronderstellen dat dit best kan gebeuren binnen een leergemeenschap van procescoachen die vooraf zullen worden opgeleid, maar ook nadien ondersteund zullen worden bij het coachen van hun leergemeenschappen. De onderzoekers zullen procesmatig nagaan wat de impact is van: • het verloop en de werking van de leergemeenschappen • de rol van de procescoach hierbij • het verloop en de werking van de coach-the-coach sessies op • de aard van het ontwikkelde en uiteindelijk in de praktijk geïmplementeerde pedagogisch-didactisch materiaal en de pedagogisch-didactische aanpak in EMT duaal • het leerproces (en andere ervaringen) van de deelnemers in de leergemeenschappen • het leerproces (en andere ervaringen) van de procescoach van de leergemeenschappen. Het gaat hierbij om design research met als doel om reeds tijdens de ontwikkeling van de concrete casussen duaal leren vanuit de leergemeenschappen op een geïnformeerde wijze de werking van de leergemeenschap bij te sturen en te versterken. Dit gebeurt vanuit observaties van en gehanteerde zelfevaluatie-instrumenten bij de leergemeenschappen, dit op verschillende momenten tijdens de werking gedurende het schooljaar zodat tijdig kan worden bijgestuurd. Ook de stem van de leerlingen is hierbij belangrijk: via hen zal – mits toestemming van de betrokken scholen en bedrijven - tussentijds informatie worden ingewonnen over hun ervaringen (sterktes, werkpunten) met het traject duaal leren. De 'coach-the-coach' sessies vormen verder een goed platform om met deze informatie de procescoachen aan te zetten om – waar nodig – de aanpak binnen a) hun leergemeenschappen en b) het duaal traject dat men concreet aan het vormgeven is, bij te sturen en te versterken waar nodig. Ook deze processen maken deel uit van het onderzoek. Het gehele opzet gaat dus om sterk toepassingsgericht onderzoek met als doel de werking van de leergemeenschappen in wisselwerking met reële ontwikkelcasussen duaal leren EMT te (leren) optimaliseren. Uiteindelijk verwachten we dat deze aanpak gepaard zal kunnen gaan met een concrete kwaliteitsvolle uitwerking van het duaal leren.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Smart organising of dual learning: electro-mecanic 01/11/2015 - 30/04/2017


Dit project focust op de structurele inbedding van het duaal leren in de school- en arbeidsorganisatie en op de ontwikkeling en evaluatie van een gepaste leeromgeving in uitrol van het duale standaardtraject Elektromecanicien. Het wil ondernemingen, scholen en leerlingen in de proeftuinprojecten kwaliteitsvol ondersteunen en dit op een geïntegreerde wijze. Het richt zich op die manier op de focussen (3) Geïntegreerde begeleiding, (4) Concrete leertrajecten en (5) Evalueren.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project

Pedagogical centers of competence. 01/01/2013 - 31/08/2015


This project represents a formal research agreement between UA and on the other hand ELAnt. UA provides ELAnt research results mentioned in the title of the project under the conditions as stipulated in this contract.


Research team(s)

Project type(s)

  • Research Project