Drifting borders, anchored community : re-reading narratives in the semiotic landscape with ethnic Lithuanians living at the Polish borderland

Identities - ISSN 1070-289X-31:2 (2024) p. 199-217

Lithuania at the borders : a visual and mixed-method study of border (in)visibilities in border spaces, discourses and experiences

Antwerp, University of Antwerp, Faculty of Social Sciences, Department of Communication Studies, 2022,xi, 238 p.

‘Silencing’ the border as a strategy to conceal the ‘other’ side : the case of the Curonian Spit

Cultural geographies - ISSN 1474-4740-29:4 (2022) p. 565-583

Exploring cultural margins and liminalities through visual and material culture : the case of Kaliningrad as presented in guided tours

Journal of Baltic studies - ISSN 0162-9778-53:1 (2022) p. 19-46

Researching visual manifestations of border spaces and experiences : conceptual and methodological perspectives

Geopolitics - ISSN 1465-0045- () p. 1-32