Jaargang 2015 nr. 1


Gabri van Tussenbroek
Voor de grote uitleg. Stedelijke transformatie en huisbouw in Amsterdam, 1452-1578

Tony Keevel
‘Of was ik soms ook asociaal genoemd?’ Concentratie en spreiding van ‘onmaatschappelijken’ in drie Amsterdamse wijken: het heropvoedingproject Geuzenveld-Slotermeer en Tuindorp Buiksloot, 1953-1981

Werk in uitvoering
Ellen Janssens en Iason Jongepier
GIStorical Antwerp: historisch GIS als laboratorium voor de stadsgeschiedenis

Reinhilde Sennema
Manhattan aan de Maas, Manhattan aan de Mersey. Transnationale elites en lokale identiteit in wereldsteden Rotterdam en Liverpool (1945-1975)

Jeroen Puttevils
Waarom deden sommige handelssteden het zo goed? Een overzicht van het historisch onderzoek naar handel en instituties in Nederlandse en Europese steden, 1300-1800

Michael Auwers, Inge Bertels, Maarten F. Van Jeannette Kamp & Sanne Muurling
De stad in de schijnwerpers. Stadsgeschiedenis in Belgische en Nederlandse historische tijdschriften (2013)


Gabri van Tussenbroek, Before the Great Extension. Urban transformation and house-building in Amsterdam, 1452-1578

This article investigates the urban transformation in Amsterdam in the sixteenth century. Building archaeological and dendrochronological surveys indicate that from about 1530 on, houses were renewed, while houses from before that year are virtually absent. The year 1530 may be linked to an imperial order of 1521, in which Charles V decreed that the existing wooden buildings in Amsterdam had to be demolished and had to be replaced by stone buildings. The municipality, which since 1524 had a building supervisor, with alignment officials who came under his leadership since 1528, started to keep a building administration and formulated a  comprehensive building code in 1531. The growth of the population and the resulting pressure on public space made the city government to create space for traffic and trade. This led to modifications of roads, embankments and building blocks and inflationary rising real estate prices. For a large group of citizens who could benefit from the increasing prosperity of that time, this economical high tide was an occasion to invest in real estate, which led to a sustainable renewal of the housing stock, of which some houses have survived until the present day.

Tony Keevel, ‘What right do they have to call me antisocial?’ Concentrated and diversified housing of ‘problem-families’ in three neighbourhoods in the city of Amsterdam:the re-education project Geuzenveld-Slotermeer and Tuindorp Buiksloot, 1953-1981.

Focusing on three small neighbourhoods and using a bottom-up perspective, this article examines the ways in which post-war Amsterdam policy-makers, social workers and local residents dealt with the housing and re-education of so-called ‘problem-families’. Whether the municipal authorities favoured social re-education by concentrating ‘anti-social families’ in semi-isolated housing projects (as they did in the fifties and sixties), or decided to place them in ‘normal’ working-class neighbourhoods (as they have done since the late sixties), they often have failed to tackle the issues of ghettoization, stigmatization, social-cultural isolation and social exclusion. Inspired by the critical atmosphere of the seventies, social protest movements and the democracy-from-belowmovement, increasing citizen participation in urban planning, welfare and liveability led to heavy local citizen protests which eventually undermined the effectuation of the council’s housing and resocialization projects.


Ellen Janssens en Iason Jongepier, GIStorical Antwerp: historical gis as a laboratory for urban history

This article presents GIStorical Antwerp, an ongoing project at the University of Antwerp. Using Geographic Information Systems, the project aims to develop a historical gis that reconstructs the spatial lay-out of the city of Antwerp, at the micro-level of the individual plot. Based on these reconstructions, a great diversity of historical written sources can be integrated and spatially analysed. The authors argue that historical GIS, when developed as a laboratory for urban history, can play an essential role in the multidisciplinary study of historical and present-day cities. The GIStorical Antwerp project engages with the recent paradigm shift in the humanities, by focusing on both the material and social space, as well as ‘place’, meaningful space.


Reinhilde Sennema, Manhattan on the Maas, Manhattan on the Mersey. Transnational elites and local identities in world cities Rotterdam an Liverpool (1945-1975)

From the nineteenth century onward, port cities Rotterdam and Liverpool became important hubs in the global maritime network. Essential to this development were influential business elites embedded in transnational networks. This private influence continued to exist until the start of the 1970s and contributed to a rapid expansion of the cities and their ports. This study aims to distinguish who these agents were, how they were  associated with local coalitions and transnational business networks, and how they used the exchange of transnational knowledge for local developments. It builds on the notions of second cities and consociational democracy, in order to construct a new framework to look at non-governmental agency in the expansion of port cities after the Second World War.