Past conferences

Details of previous conferences are given below.

IAP2022, 18-21 September, Antwerpen, BE

Chair: Raewyn M. Town, Universiteit Antwerpen, BE


Book of Abstracts

IAP2021, 14-17 May, Wuhan, CN

Chair: Wenfeng Tan, Huazhong Agricultural University, CN

Co-chairs: Liping Weng, Agro-environmental Protection Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, CN; Peng Cai, Huazhong Agricultural University, CN

Program and Book of Abstracts

Conference proceedings: virtual special issue of Chemosphere

IAP2018, 10-13 June, La Grande Motte, FR

Chair:  Jerzy Zajac, University of Montpellier, FR

Co-chair: Jean-François Dufreche, University of Montpellier, FR


Book of Abstracts

Conference proceedings: cross-journal web collection of the 3 journals of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Environmental Science portfolio, i.e. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, and Environmental Science: Nano

IAP2016, 4-7 September, Lleida, ES

Chair: Jaume Puy, University of Lleida, ES

Co-chairs: Josep Galceran & Carlos Rey-Castro, University of Lleida ES


Book of Abstracts

Conference proceedings: Special issue of Environmental Chemistry, vol. 14(5)

IAP2014, 25-28 May, Leeuwarden, NL

Chair: Bert Hamelars, Wetsus, NL

Co-chairs: Maarten Biesheuvel, Wetsus, NL; Volker Presser, Saarland University, DE


Book of Abstracts

Conference proceedings: special issue of Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, vol. 446

IAP2012, 11-14 June, Nancy, FR

Chair: Jérôme F. L. Duval, CNRS/University of Lorraine, FR

Co-chairs: Fabien Thomas & Laurent J. Michot, CNRS/University of Lorraine, FR


Book of Abstracts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

Conference proceedings: Special issue of Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 435

IAP2010, 16-19 May, Beijing, CN

Chair: Hongxiao Tang, Research Center for Eco-Environmental Sciences (RCEES), Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN

Co-chairs: Jiuhui Qu & Hong He, RCEES, Chinese Academy of Sciences, CN


Conference proceedings: Special issue of Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 379(1–3)

IAP2008, 1-4 June, Kyoto, JP

Chair: Hiroyuki Ohshima, Tokyo University of Science, JP

Co-chairs: Setsuo Ooi, National Institute for Rural Engineering, JP; Yasuhisa Adachi, University of Tsukuba, JP



Conference Proceedings: Special Issue of Colloids and Surfaces A, vol 347(1-3)

IAP2002, 27-30 May, Miskolc, HU

Chair: Sándor Bárány, University of Miskolc, HU

Co-chair: Nataliya Klimenko, Academy of Sciences Kiev


Conference proceedings: Special issue of Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 230(1–3)

IAP2006, 4-7 June, Granada, ES

Chair: Fernando Gonzalez-Caballero, University of Granada, ES

Co-chair: Angel Delgado, University of Granada, ES

Book of Abstracts

Conference proceedings: special issue of Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 306(1-3)

IAP2004, 24-27 May, Jülich, DE

Chair: Harry Vereecken, Research Centre Jülich, DE

Co-chair: Erwin Klumpp, Research Centre Jülich, DE


Conference proceedings: Special issue of Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 265(1–3)

IAP1997, 10-13 August, Wageningen, NL

Chair: Luuk Koopal, Wageningen University, NL

Co-chair: Arie de Keizer, Wageningen University, NL


Conference proceedings: special issue of Colloids and Surfaces A, vol. 151(1-2)