Floris Fonteyn is a PhD researcher and teaching assistant in constitutional law in the Faculty of Law at the University of Antwerp. He graduated magna cum laude with a focus on public law at the University of Antwerp and obtained a master-after-master in European and International Law at the Free University of Brussels (summa cum laude). Before joining the Faculty of Law, Floris was a PhD researcher and teaching assistant at the Free University of Brussels.
His research focuses on constitutional law and human rights law, both from a national and European perspective.
Areas of Expertise:
- (EU) Constitutional law
- Human rights law, in particular the ECHR and EU Charter
Selected Publications:
- Fonteyn, F. et al. (Eds, 2023) Shaping Utopia Through Law.
- Fonteyn, F. (2022) Grondwettelijke hoven, wees gewaarschuwd! Of moet het Hof van Justitie hun reactie vrezen?
- Fonteyn, F. et al. (2021) Tijd is geldigheid: objectieve verantwoording voor ongelijke behandeling van stellers van onwettige handeling in artikel 11bis RvS-Wet.
Full publication list: repository.uantwerpen.be/acadbib/irua/25400/N
Selected Projects:
- 2023 - 2027 - Rechterlijk toezicht op de buitenlandse betrekkingen.