Reconceiving Perception

The aim of this conference is to bring together views on perception of a relational, pragmatic and embodied variety. By comparing and contrasting these different accounts, their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their compatibilities will be brought to the fore. By approaching the topic of perception from various angles, the conference promises to broaden our perspective on this fundamental psychological phenomenon. 

The questions that are going to be explored in the conference comprehend, but are not limited to:   What concept of perception is emerging from these proposals? How can these views account for the possibility of puzzling phenomena such as illusions, hallucinations or aspect-seeing? Are there practical implications related to the adoption of these theoretical views in the treatment of clinical cases? What role does philosophy of action play in such views? How can a relational and pragmatic view of perception account for the connection of perception with thought and belief? Which understanding of thought and language are those views compatible with?

Lastly, but importantly, we are going to ask if there is a uniform view of perception that is emerging from this variety of approaches.

Invited speakers:

Avner Baz: Aspect Perception as a Key to Understanding Autism, Part I

Tal Baz: Aspect Perception as a Key to Understanding Autism, Part II

Clare MacCumhaill: Acting Where I am Not Now Stationed

Charles Travis: Le Psychologue Malgré Lui. The Myth of Interiority  

Farid Zahnoun: Perception: What’s Truth got to do with it?

Contributing speakers:

Marco Arienti: Pictorial Experience as Scaffolded Seeing-as

Eros Carvalho: Ecological Disjunctivism and the Causal Argument

Annemarie Kalis: Ryle on Perception Recipes

Roberta Locatelli: Negative Pluralism About Hallucination

Bernardo Marques: Can Representation be a Natural Kind ? Disagreeing with Burge

Giulia Martina: Perceiving properties: Theories of Perception at a Crossroads

Luca Roccioletti: Illusions and the Notion of Perceptual Experience

Thomas Van Es: Reconceiving the Perceptual Mind-World Relation for Enactivism

Keith Wilson: Negative Pluralism About Hallucination

Paweł Ziȩba: Austere Relationalism and Seeing Aspects