Sending mails to more than 200 recipients

If you need to send an email to a large group of people (more than 200 recipients), we recommend you use the workflow below and the university’s email system, which is managed by E-Campus. Individual mailboxes now have a limit of 200 recipients in a given 24-hour period. 

All entities (faculties, departments, research groups, centres, etc.) at the University of Antwerp can send invitations to one-off activities by email. Email invitations in html form are custom-made by the Communications Department’s graphic designer and sent out by E-Campus using CiviCRM or Centua.

New measures introduced in the spring of 2017 mean that you can only send emails to a maximum of 200 recipients from your own UAntwerp mailbox in a given 24-hour period. If you exceed this number, your mailbox will be blocked for 24 hours.

This limit was introduced for technical reasons. Our servers are constantly being targeted by phishing attacks, whose aim is to gain access to our email accounts and use them to send malicious emails. UAntwerp ended up being blacklisted recently, which meant that many of our emails were blocked. The new limit ensures that no more scam emails can be sent from our email addresses through phishing. 

New regulations on the protection of personal details will also come into effect in May 2018. This means the university will need to keep good records of all databases containing personal details and of all bulk communication sent at the university. Requests for mass emails therefore need to be approved by the head of the Communications Department. There are two different upper limits: 500/day and 5000/day. Requests are usually approved, but an inventory may also be made of email files.

Need to send mass emails from your own mailbox?

Internal: it is only permitted to email large contact groups (e.g. all UAntwerp staff, AAP, ZAP, BAP, ATP and campus-related contact groups) if this has been approved by the head of the Communications Department (Elisabeth Vanhoutte - 4415).
Make sure you read the guidelines on sending emails to large groups of staff.

External: the limit of 200 recipients per day can be increased in some cases if this has been approved by the head of the Communications Department (Elisabeth Vanhoutte - 4415).

There are two different upper limits: 500/day and 5000/day.

Mailbox blocked?

Following approval from the head of the Communications Department, staff from the ICT Department can unblock your mailbox within two hours.