Comparing FRG approaches in Europe

In literature and in practice, it is increasingly argued that a diversification, coordination and alignment of Flood Risk Management Strategies will make urban agglomerations more resilient to flood risks. Five basic types of strategies can be identified: flood risk prevention (through pro-active spatial planning), flood defence, flood risk mitigation, flood preparation and flood recovery (see scheme). 

In 2013, the STAR-FLOOD research team made a first overview of flood risk management in six European countries: Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden, Poland, France and England.

In 2016, we aim to formulate concluding answers on the question ‘What are the achievements of Belgium, England, France, The Netherlands, Poland and Sweden in terms of the desired capacities for flood resilience and what are similarities and differences between the countries?’. The results will be published in several reports and journal article, of which the key ones are:

  • Hegger, D.L.T., Driessen, P.P.J., Bakker, M.H.N. (Eds.). FINAL REPORT: Key conclusions on improving flood risk governance in Europe. STAR-FLOOD consortium, Utrecht, The Netherlands. – To be submitted to the European Commission
  • Hegger, D.L.T., Driessen, D.L.T., Wiering, M., van Rijswick, H.F.M.W., Kundzewicz, Z.W., Matczak, P., Crabbé, A., Raadgever, G.T., Bakker, M.H.N., Priest, S.J., Larrue, C., Ek, K. Toward more flood resilience: is a diversification of flood risk management strategies the way forward? - Submitted to Ecology & Society.

The Environment & Society research group of the University of Antwerp has contributed to various cross-comparison journal articles:

  • Gralepois M., Larrue C., Wiering M., Crabbé A., Tapsell S., Mees H., Ek K., Szwed M. Is flood defense changing in nature? Shifts in the flood defense strategy in six European countries.  - Submitted to Ecology and Society on 26-01-2016.
  • Fournier, M., Larrue C., Alexander M., Hegger D.L.T., Bakker M.H.N., Pettersson M., Crabbé A., Mees H., Chorynski A. Flood risk mitigation in Europe – how far away are we from the aspired forms of adaptive governance? Submitted to Ecology and Society on 02-02-2016.