Luca Domenico Artuso

Luca Domenico Artuso


Grote Kauwenberg 18
2000 Antwerpen, BEL
Luca Domenico Artuso earned his master's degree in Japanese Studies from the University of Venice, Ca'Foscari. In 2024, he began his doctoral project on More-than-Human Japanese Dramaturgies and their Performative Ends. Specifically, Luca’s research explores the topic of the Female-Transformed More-Than-Humans in Noh Theatre and contemporary Japanese-influenced performance. In addition to this, Luca's research interests lie in Comparative History of Theatres, Theatre Materialities, Theatre Critics, and Practice as Research. Luca received training in Noh with Master Udaka Michishige in Japan.


Statute & functions

Bijzonder academisch personeel

  • doctoral scholarship holder