This is a free event, but registration is required. Please register via this link.

The restaurant of the Royal Conservatoire is closed, please provide your own lunch. The Grand Café restaurant will be open and we are happy to point you towards places to eat in the neighbourhood (Café Kamiel, Lokal, Boker Tov...)

We are closely monitoring the current COVID-19 measures. Currently you do not have to wear a mouth mask during the event, nor is a Covid Safe Ticket is necessary. The information is subject to change until further notice.

C R E D I T S 

Concept and organisation: Annelies Van Assche, Iris Terclaevers, Renata Lamenza Epifanio, and Timmy De Laet 

Production: CoDa, Master in Dance RCA, Annouk Van Moorsel, Laura Van Rymenant (CoDa intern) 

With the support of: University of Antwerp (Faculty of Arts, Department of Literature and Research Centre for Visual Poetics); Ghent University Faculty of Arts and Philosophy; Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)