About E3 Cases

The objective of this project is to contribute significantly to the horizontal EC priority of Higher Education. The priority is expressed as "innovation, developing, implementing and testing the effectiveness of approaches to promote creativity, entrepreneurial thinking and skills."

In higher Education (HE) case based teaching has become a common practice especially in business schools and universities. By now a whole industry has developed that designs, writes, and distributes teaching cases around the globe. However, concerns have been raised with regard to the level of didactic standards and their consideration in the design, teaching, and evaluation of business cases for case based teaching. In order to explore these concerns, this project develops 12 didactically designed HE business cases.

We aim to evaluate their effectiveness in the classroom setting, and, based on this develop a manual on how to design and teach business cases along high didactic standards and through the use of an online planning guide for digital case teaching.


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