SciFair zoekt kermisafbeeldingen van vroeger
Stuur ons hier je foto's en postkaarten van (meer dan) 100 jaar oud door

SciFair est à la recherche d'images du passé
Envoyez vos photos et cartes postales de la fête foraine d'il y a 100 ans

SciFair sucht Bilder aus der Vergangenheit
Senden Sie Fotos und Postkarten ein, wie die Kirmes vor 100 Jahren aussah

SciFair is looking for images from the past
Send in photos and postcards of how the funfair looked like 100 years ago

Science took central stage during nineteenth-century fairs
Travelling show people as disseminators of scientific knowledge and visual culture? In so-called anatomical cabinets, zoological and anthropological museums and scientific theatres, itinerant show people demonstrated ‘wonders of nature’ and spectacular scientific developments at the annual fair.
The EU-funded SciFair project performs pioneering research on the role itinerant show people played in the circulation of information about scientific and technological advances at fairs in western Europe between 1850 and 1914. The project starts from the hypothesis that fairs during this period were not only local folk events but also centres of international exchange. The SciFair team analyses practices of science performance across national frontiers and maps transnational networks in western Europe.
SciFair is a five-year research project (2021-2026) funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 948678 - SciFair).