In our HPC Tips and Tricks sessions, we focus on several advanced topics in HPC.​​

HPC Tips and Tricks 5 : High Performance Python, software development for researchers 
  • We provide both a strategy to develop software for research as well as a tool that allows to organise the development work flow in a sensible and efficient way.
HPC Tips and Tricks 4 : Code modernization, a practical approach
  • Two real world case studies and Intel tools for finding performance bottlenecks
  • We examine some frequent causes of bad performance by studying two common scientific problems, the simulation of atomistic systems in a Monte Carlo setting, and in a Molecular Dynamics setting.
HPC Tips and Tricks 3 : Checkpoint and restart facilities
  • We show how the automatic checkpointing facilities of the cluster can be used to automatically save the state of a program and facilitate the restart from that state.
HPC Tips and Tricks 2 : ​Vectorization approaches to efficient code
  • Learn how to boost the performance of your code by a factor 8 by enabling (automatic) vectorization.
HPC Tips and Tricks 1 : How to efficiently parallelize your code
  • Tips for better programming in C/C++ and Fortran.​​​​