Algebra and non-commutative algebraic geometry
- Summer School on Higher Structures and Mirror Symmetry, 30 June - 10 July 2025, Antwerp Belgium
- ALGAR Introductory Days, 20-22 August 2025, Antwerp Belgium
- ALGAR Summer School, 25-29 August 2025, Antwerp, Belgium
Analysis and differential geometry
- Summer School Poisson, 3-7 August 2026, Antwerp, Belgium
Joint events of pure & applied mathematics
- Joint conference of the Belgian, Dutch and Luxembourgish Mathematical Societies, 7-8 April 2026, Antwerp, Belgium
- Faculty Research Day, 5 February 2025, Antwerp, Belgium
- Inaugural Lecture Francqui Research Professorship by Prof. Sonja Hohloch, 5 February, Antwerp, Belgium
- Mathematics Research Day, 26 March 2025, Antwerp, Belgium