Application form student representatives 2024-2025

Student representation
UAntwerp tries to make all desicions in consultation with her students. This is possible because of good student participation, in which the Student Council is the key figure.
Student representation is very important in every faculty. The university can only offer the highest quality of education, when she receives input about the different course units, the structure of the curriculum, the organisation of the faculty, the central services, etcetera. The voice of the students in the process of making decisions is essential for never losing sight of the student perspective.
More than 180 elected student representatives are active at UAntwerpen, making the voice of our 24,000 students heard in more than 100 councils, committees and working groups within UAntwerp. Besides the Student Council, which works university-wide, many students are also active at the faculty or program level.
We are also active at the city level within the organizations Associatie Studentenraad Antwerpen (ASRA), the Antwerps Studentenoverleg (ASO) and Associatie Universiteit & Hogescholen Antwerpen (AUHA). At the Flemish level we are represented in the representative of students in Flanders and Brussels (VVS)and at the European level we participate in Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE).
Student representatives can call on student participation coach Eva Gregoir in the Department of Student Services for a variety of support.
You can contact her via email: