Reflection evening on connecting communication in response to conflict Gaza, 27/02 19:00

Our world today is plagued by a number of tearful conflicts. In particular, the war in Gaza hits a large part of our university community right in the heart. As a university, we want to think with you about ways in which we can respond and form our opinions. Above all, we want to focus on constructive ideas that enable lasting connective communication between differently minded people. The constructive nature of such dialogue can be made concrete by focusing on 'health' and 'education'. We can also consider using 'art' to establish connecting communication. UAntwerp students, teachers and researchers are welcome to attend this evening of reflection!

Would you like to make your voice heard and think along? Then come to the city campus, room S R013, on Tuesday 27/02 from 19:00 - 21:00.

This initiative comes from three concerned and committed UA staff members within the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences:

Prof. Em. Guido Vanham

Prof. Hans Keune

Dr. Werner Van Peer