Location: S.S209 ARIA attic, Lange Sint-Annastraat 7, 2000 Antwerp
Time: 15h-17h, unless communicated otherwise
Target audience: junior academic and artistic researchers
Preparatory reading:
About Franziska Trapp
About Gwendolien Sabbe
Gwendolien Sabbe is a circus historian and independent researcher. She studied history at the University of Leuven and holds a digital storytelling postgraduate degree from KASK Gent. Her research focuses on Belgian circus artists who journeyed to America between 1900-1940 to work for the circus, vaudeville theatre, and/or the State Fairs.
She shares their stories through articles in Circusmagazine, a lecture and her online platform Circus Nomads (www.circusnomads.com, Facebook and Instagram).
She combines her research with a job as circus and comedy programmer at Cultural Centre De Spil in Roeselare. By integrating circus history in the program, she gives circus festival de groote stooringe a unique identity amongst the other outdoor arts festivals. She is also a member of the editorial board of Circusmagazine and the board of Miramiro, a creation workspace for circus based in Ghent.