2 July 2024

The PAX Moot Court 2024 – Petar Šarčević Round took place in Ljubljana, Slovenia from the 23rd to the 26th of April 2024. Thanks to the hosts from the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana, the general rounds and semi-finals were held at the Faculty, whereas the finals took place at the District Court of Ljubljana.

After receiving a total of 39 team registrations, we were happy to receive 31 written memoranda, and to welcome 29 teams in Ljubljana. The teams attending the oral rounds came from 18 different countries, with 24 teams coming from the EU and 5 from the non-EU area. A total of 107 students presented their arguments during the oral rounds.

After a thrilling final pleading, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" ended up winning the competition, with Aristotle University of Thessaloniki coming in second. The teams from the University of Ljubljana and the Jagiellonian University in Cracow advanced to the semi-finals.

KU Leuven won the award for the best written memorandum, with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki taking second place, and the Maqsut Narikbayev University coming in third.

Henri Vandeputte (University of Cologne) won the award for the Best Oralist, whereas Daria Rożniakowska (Jagiellonian University in Cracow) came in second, and Caroline Kroll (University of Cologne) in third.

We sincerely thank the European Commission for its continuous support of the PAX 2.0 Project, which has enabled us to organise another edition of the PAX Moot Court.

The PAX Team eagerly expects the outcome of our pending funding proposal. We hope next year's PAX Moot Court will take place in Maastricht, the Netherlands, and we are looking forward to seeing you there!

PAX JUDICIAL TRAINING - PARIS (4 and 5 March 2024)

5 March 2024

On 4 and 5 March 2024, Paris Dauphine-PSL University hosted a training on EU Private International Law for judges from six different EU Member States.

Paris Dauphine-PSL organizing team was led by professors Arnaud Raynouard, Hélène van Lith and Duncan Fairgrieve and we were able to count on the support and participation of our PAX 2.0 project partners (University of Antwerp, Asser Institute, Maastricht University, University of Barcelona, University of Ljubljana, and Sofia University).

The PAX Judicial Training offered participants two days of interactive training consisting of theoretical sessions and practical workshops. This year’s topics included jurisdiction in cross-border disputes, provisional measures in European PIL, applicable law in contract and tort claims, and issues of legal capacity and parental authority. 

Thanks to the commitment of participating judges and academic speakers, discussions were fruitful and enriching and undoubtedly particularly useful in the day-to-day practice of judges.

We want to thank the European Commission for funding the PAX 2.0 project, allowing us to enhance awareness among judges and students regarding the EU Private International Law instruments and facilitate their consistent application.


10 November 2024

PAX Moot 2024 registrations open today!

All interested teams are kindly invited to fill in the registration form on the PAX Moot website, where you may also find more information about the PAX Moot 2024.

Registrations are open until 21 January 2024.

Join us for this unique experience!

We are also available at for any further questions.


6 November  2023

We're excited to announce that the PAX MOOT 2024 competition case is now available on the PAX Moot website!

This year's round is dedicated to the memory of renowned Croatian scholar Dr. Petar Šarčević.We anticipate that this year's case will once again bring together teams from throughout the world, encouraging students to question and deepen their understanding of Private International Law.

Registrations for PAX Moot 2024 will open on 10 November 2023.


5 May 2023

We are thrilled to announce a successful completion of the PAX Moot Court 2023 – Peter Nygh Round! 

The competition took place in Antwerp from 3 to 5 May. The preliminary rounds were held at the University of Antwerp and the semi-finals and finals at the Antwerp court.

The number of teams competing in this year's PAX Moot was the highest so far (37 teams). We were delighted to host 28 teams in the oral rounds. These 28 teams came from 12 EU states and 5 non-EU countries. There were 9 teams competing for the first time. The oral rounds were attended by 110 students in total. In the competition, 48 judges, attorneys, and academics served as judges.

The University of Ljubljana won the oral rounds, with the University of Vienna coming in second. The teams from Maastricht University and Singapore Management University advanced to the semi-finals.

The University of Vienna won the prize for the best written memorials, with the University of Ghent in second place and the University of Sofia in third.

Matej Igličar (University of Ljubljana) received the Best Oralist award. In the second place came Maximilian Murtinger and in third place Gustav Kirchauer (both of the University of Vienna).

We would like to convey our heartfelt gratitude to the European Commission for its financial support of the PAX 2.0 Project, which enables us to organize the PAX Moot Court!

Next year’s PAX Moot court competition will take place from 24 to 26 April in Ljubljana.

PAX JUDICIAL TRAINING - SOFIA (22 and 23 March 2023)

24 March 2023

On 22 and 23 March 2023 Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" hosted a large-scale training on EU Private International Law for judges from five different countries. We are pleased to announce a very successful completion of the event.

Sofia University (represented by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boriana Musseva, Head of the Department of International Law and International Relations, and Assist. Prof. Dr. Tsvetelina Dimitrova) organized the event in cooperation with the PAX 2.0 project partners (University of Antwerp, Asser Institute, Maastricht University, Université Paris Dauphine, University of Barcelona, and University of Ljubljana).

The PAX Judicial Training offered participating judges two days of interactive training consisting of short theoretical lectures and extended practical sessions. This year’s topics included the interplay of the Brussels I bis Regulation and the European Insolvency Regulation, special jurisdiction and applicable law in matters relating to a contract and to tort, as well as the taking of evidence in cross-border civil and commercial matters.

Thanks to the participating judges, the exchange and discussions with the academics were on the highest level. Furthermore, the overwhelming response and active participation reassure us of the importance of EU Private International Law in judicial practice as well as of the importance of such training events.

We also want to thank the European Commission for funding the PAX 2.0 project, allowing us to spread awareness among judges and students regarding the EU Private International Law instruments and facilitating their consistent application.


13 February 2023

We are pleased to inform you about a new PAX 2.0 Project activity. On the 22 & 23 March 2023, our project partners from the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” will host the first PAX Judicial Training.

PAX Judicial Training in Sofia, which is aimed at judges and trainee judges, will focus on topical issues of private international law such as the interplay of the European Insolvency Regulation and the Brussels I bis Regulation; jurisdiction and applicable law in matters relating to a contract and tort as well as taking of evidence in civil and commercial matters.

Registrations are possible until 20 February on the email address:

Find out more here!


11 February 2023

As provided in the competition rules, each team may submit maximum of 5 clarification questions. The deadline for sending the requests is 13 February 2023. Please send your requests to:

Requests for clarification should be limited to matters that would appear to have legal significance in the context of the Case. A request for clarification must include a short explanation of the expected significance of the clarification. Any request that does not contain such an explanation may be ignored.

Based upon the requests received from all teams, the Executive Secretariat will publish Problem Corrections and Clarifications within two weeks after the submission deadline for clarifications. Each team must ensure that it receives and adequately notes the Problem Corrections and Clarifications in preparation for the Competition.


4 February 2023

Dear PAX Moot Teams!

Don't forget, the deadline for registration for the 2023 PAX Moot Court - Peter Nygh Round is quickly approaching. 

Registrations are possible only until 6 February 2023 (23.59 CET).


27 January 2023

Dear PAX Moot Teams!

The Rules for the 2023 edition of the competition are now published on our website.

If you have any inquires regarding the new Rules and Procedures, please don’t hesitate to contact us at:


2. November 2022

The registrations for the PAX 2023 - Peter Nygh Round are now open! We invite all interested teams to register on the PAX Moot website.

For more information, you can reach us at:

Don't forget that the registration deadline is 6 February 2023.


1. November 2022

It gives us great pleasure to announce the launch of the PAX 2.0 (Private International Law in Motion 2.0). We are greatly thankful for the continuous support of the European Commission, which recognized the importance of our project goals.

We are very much looking forward to two new years of PAX Moot Court and PAX Judicial Trainings!