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The PSS design toolkit brings forward iterative support in the design process with a threefold focus:
- a synthesis approach
- the user experience
- the front-end of innovation (FEI).
The toolkit aims to revise, adapt and add to the current PSS design tools and to better support a future generation of designers for deep exploration and in managing the variety of underlying design processes. Beginners, advanced users, experts and ‘beyonders’ can plug and play with the many tools and techniques offered throughout the proposed design process, use the rationale of the method to get inspired, or dedicate themselves to PSS all along the way.
The three stages of the PSS design process have no dominant push on product and/or service when you are working towards a solution. In other words, you cannot design with an outcome in mind.
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Ivo Dewit op de sprekersacademie
Ivo Dewit op de sprekersacademie

PSS - students' testimonial