Starting 1 March 2024, you will need to select a project account when submitting jobs to the CalcUA clusters.
- Accounting will be introduced for both compute (jobs) and storage (files).
- Users can check the project accounts they have access to with the command myprojectaccounts.
- Make sure to use the appropriate project account, according to the project for which you are submitting jobs.
- Starting 1 March, running jobs will not be possible anymore if the user does not have access to any project accounts!
- If you do not have access to any project account, please ask your supervisor to give you access.
Information session
During the info session organised on 22 February, we explained:
- why we are introducing accounting,
- what this means for you and our team,
- and what it will cost.
The slides and video recording of the presentation are available (login required).
Update Friday 1 March
Cleaning up of data from inactive users will be done over the next couple of days. We will inform the supervisor when this operation is completed. Supervisors who have asked access to this data before the cleanup, will receive a mail with further instructions as well.