StatUA 2.0 kick-off event
As a methodological core facility of the University of Antwerp, StatUa aims to help PhD students and other researchers with any statistical challenges they may encounter. Recently, StatUa has gone through some changes so we organised the kick-off of ‘StatUa 2.0’!
The StatUa 2.0 kick-off event took place on September 5th at 4 pm in City Campus, aula R.008, address Rodestraat 14.
We went through the updates and practical information of StatUa 2.0.
Two honorary invited speakers will give talks:
“On the design and analysis of serological data”
by prof. Niel Hens
“Pringles, polypropylene, stent adhesives and vaccines: Innovation in food, chemistry and pharma by means of statistically designed experiments”
by prof. Peter Goos
We concluded with a reception at 6 pm giving the opportunity to researchers to make new connections over a glass of joy or to informally discuss your research methods with the StatUa team.