Campus Club 2025
4th of February, the second version of the Campus club was organized. The Bio-imaging Lab welcomed again students for a workshop on "imaging the brain".

Dag van de Wetenschap - 2024
🧲 The Bio-Imaging Lab and imec-Vision Lab teamed up to deliver unforgettable interactive MRI experiences. From going into our MRI scanner to explore the inside of your brain to becoming a "veterinarian for a day" and diagnose animals using MRI, these activities were a crowd favourite! With over 300 participants discovering the fascinating world of MRI acquisition and image reconstruction, we showed that MRI isn’t something to fear - it's something cool!

Campus Club
8th of February, the University of Antwerp opened its doors for the first edition of the Campus Club, a unique opportunity for students from the sixth year of secondary education to bridge the gap between secondary and university education. A day filled with more than 50 trial lessons and workshops, carefully tailored to the attainment levels of the third grade, offered the students an unprecedented glimpse into the future of their academic and professional paths. The Bio-imaging Lab opened its doors to welcome 60 students for a workshop on "imaging the brain"
Science for Everyone: Dag van de Wetenschap 2023
On the Day of Science Antwerp, the colleagues of Imec VisionLab, the Bio-Imaging Lab and the μNEURO Research Excellence Center of took you to the wonderful world of medical imaging. How are X-rays different from visible light? And how can we use those rays to make a cross-section of your body? What does an MRI scan have to do with water and magnets? And what do bats have in common with an ultrasound machine? Together, we will found out how each of these techniques maps different parts of the body, and show you how doctors and veterinarians use them on both people and animals from the ZOO!

EOS Price for Mastertheses 2023
Silke Lemmens was shortlisted for the EOS price 2023 with her thesis:
​Discovering seasonal differences in starlings using rs-fMRI
You can vote for her trough: Stem voor de Eosprijs 2023! | Scriptieprijs​
Together with the imec-Vision Lab weorganised a workshop for kids about #medicalimaging. In the framework of #Proefkot #STEM academy. We welcomed an enthusiastic group of young future scientists to the MICA-BIL core facility (#MRI) and FleXCT laboratory (#CT). We all had a fun and inspiring afternoon!