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Resear­chers in the huma­ni­ties are in­creasing­ly using digi­tal tools. Think of digitised collec­tions of books or docu­ments, linguis­tic cor­pora and data­bases.

Not only the mate­rial is increasing­ly digi­tal. The methods are digital, too. Linguists write soft­ware to analyse language automa­tically. Historians visua­lise the social net­works that con­nect histo­rical persons or places. Or they make cities of the past come to life again using digi­tal carto­graphy. Litera­ry scho­lars digi­tise manuscripts to examine the gene­tic pro­cess behind a text. Theatre scho­lars create vir­tual recon­structions of histo­rical play­houses.

The University of Antwerp’s Platform for Digital Humani­ties has been aggregating these kinds of research projects since 2010. It is also responsible for the Digital Humanities bachelor course (Mike Kestemont, Dirk Van Hulle, Walter Daelemans), and for organising a Lecture Series on Digital Humanities (Elli Bleeker, Wout Dillen, Lamyk Bekius).