If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. - African Proverb

The Enviromics consortium, based at the University of Antwerp, has built a vast expertise in the field of environmental sciences and technologies since its foundation in 2005. It brings together biologists, (bio)chemists, bioengineers, product developers and sociologists to conduct multidisciplinary environmental research. We support companies with their (R&D) challenges and love to collaborate with (local) businesses to improve their products and activities. Joint research projects allow to perform research and development in close collaboration, potentially financed by a thirds party (e.g. FWO, VLAIO, European Framework Program, …).

Our projects cover a wide range of topics across the specializations of the Enviromics teams. All teams are involved in international collaborations and industrial partnerships. Our research focusses on five domains: Environmental applications and nature-based solutions, Sensing and analysis, Microbial technology and biomaterials, Sustainable product development and Technology assessment. More information on our research activities, research projects, and key laboratory equipment can be found below (under construction). Does your problem not fit into one of the areas mentioned or do you have a specific question? Our valorisation managers will be happy to help you.