Selected recent publications

Neonatal exposure to phthalate and alternative plasticizers via parenteral nutrition

Lucas Panneel, Paulien Cleys, Camille Breugelmans, Christina Christia, Malarvannan Govindan, Giulia Poma, Philippe Jorens, Antonius Mulder, Adrian Covaci

International journal of pharmaceutics - ISSN 0378-5173-631 (2023) p. 1-9

State‐of‐the‐art analytical approaches and strategies to assess disposal of drugs for wastewater‐based epidemiology

Maarten Quireyns, Tim Boogaerts, Natan Van Wichelen, Adrian Covaci, Alexander van Nuijs

Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Forensic science - ISSN 2573-9468-5:1 (2023) p. 1-19

Guidelines and considerations for building multidimensional libraries for untargeted MS-based metabolomics

Katyeny Manuela da Silva, Maria van de Lavoir, Rani Robeyns, Elias Iturrospe, Lisa Verheggen, Adrian Covaci, Alexander van Nuijs

Metabolomics - ISSN 1573-3890-19:1 (2023) p. 1-15

The relevance of European Biota Quality Standards on the ecological water quality as determined by the multimetric macro-invertebrate index : a Flemish case study

Lies Teunen, Maarten De Jonge, Malarvannan Govindan, Adrian Covaci, Claude Belpaire, Jean-François Focant, Ronny Blust, Lieven Bervoets

Ecotoxicology and environmental safety - ISSN 0147-6513-231 (2022) p. 1-9

PFAS accumulation in several terrestrial plant and invertebrate species reveals species-specific differences

Thimo Groffen, Els Prinsen, Ona-Abeni Devos Stoffels, Layla Maas, Pieter Vincke, Robin Lasters, Marcel Eens, Lieven Bervoets

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - ISSN 0944-1344- (2022) p. 1-16

Temporal trends in PFAS concentrations in livers of a terrestrial raptor (common buzzard; Buteo buteo) collected in Belgium during the period 2000–2005 and in 2021

Thimo Groffen, Lieven Bervoets, Marcel Eens

Environmental research - ISSN 0013-9351-216 (2023) p. 1-7

Lipidomics profiling of zebrafish liver through untargeted liquid chromatography‐high resolution mass spectrometry

Katyeny Manuela da Silva, Elias Iturrospe, Rik van den Boom, Maria van de Lavoir, Rani Robeyns, Lucia Vergauwen, Dries Knapen, Matthias Cuykx, Adrian Covaci, Alexander van Nuijs

Journal of separation science - ISSN 1615-9306-45:15 (2022) p. 2935-2945

The association between ambient particulate matter exposure and the telomere-mitochondrial axis of aging in newborns

Van der Stukken, Charlotte, Nawrot Tim, Wang Congrong, Lefebvre Wouter, Vanpoucke Charlotte, Plusquin Michelle, Roels Harry, Janssen Bram, Martens Dries

Environment International - ISSN 0160-4120-171 (2023) 107695