Press releases
- Natuur op doktersverwijzing: wat als de huisarts nu eens een boswandeling voorschreef?
(Knack - 23/05/2022) - In Borgerhout en Deurne heerst geringe kennis over risico's van hart- en vaatziekten
(GVA - 07/05/2022) Antwerpse onderzoeker: “Wraakroepend dat niets wordt ondernomen tegen knikkebolziekte”
(GVA - 11/10/2017)-
Antwerpse onderzoeker wil meer aandacht voor aanpak knikkebolziekte
(De Specialist - 11/10/2017)
Reports of what we we have been working on at GHI.
Ebovac3 Dissemination Conference

6th annual ICP North Workshop 2023

Second phase of Ebola vaccination trial in DR Congo

Ebola vaccination trial in DR Congo in full force

Malaria treatment study in school-aged children

University of Antwerp conducts a site feasibility visit in DR Congo

Kickstart of Malaria Project in Peruvian Amazone
Joint efforts for the Elimination of Malaria

Workshop kick starts School Health Project in Tanzania
Launch of the VLIR TEAM project between NIMR and the Global Health Institute

University of Antwerp leads international research into problem of frequent malaria treatments
"Treatment of recurrent malaria is possible with the same therapy"

TEAM project in DR Congo in the picture
RTNC2, the public television channel, invited prof. Van geertruyden (UA), prof. Jacquemyn (UA), prof. Lutumba (UNIKIN) and Dr. Inocêncio da Luz (UA) for an interview on their upcoming research project on cervical cancer.

Workshop on Hypertension in Uganda

ICP North Workshop
1st Edition - May 9th 2018

ICP North Workshop
2nd edition - May 9th 2019

ICP North Workshop
3rd edition - May 7th 2020