11 October - Annual PhD Event

This year’s PhD event is a PhD2PhD Workshop on Multi-level Evolutions in Public Law: Projections, Predictions, and Perspectives. It will be a day for PhDs organised by PhDs. Abstracts should be submitted by 5 July 2024. The registration and submission form can be found here. More information can be found on the website.

17 - 18 September - IACFS Annual Conference 2024

This year's annual IACFS Conference will be organised by the Government and Law Research Group and held in Antwerp.

20 September - Annual Research Group Day

During the morning session the Research Group reviews its performance in light of the recent Research Visitation and will discuss its social impact and funding strategies. The afternoon is dedicated to team building activities - this year will be a chocolate making workshop.

Time: 9:30-17h

Venue: Chocolate Nation

2 July - MLL Chatbox Meeting

This Chatbox meeting on July 2nd between 12.30-14h in Vergaderzaal S.V.034 related to regulating cities, multilevel governance, and EU competences will be led by Rana Touseef Sami and Anh Le Hai. This chatbox meeting is intended as an informal opportunity to discuss a certain topic that (potentially) crosses disciplinary boundaries, and which may be relevant for various research projects within the group. A chatbox can also be particularly useful for (junior) researchers who use a common research concept to organize an informal and interactive session. During the session we share sources and discuss complex concepts and methods and we explore how they can be applied in different ways in our respective research projects. 

 In this first MLL Chatbox meeting, we would like to invite you to a discussion on regulating and developing policies for cities from a multi-level governance perspective. In particular, we will explore some legal challenges that are commonly encountered in an urban context and discuss the competences of the EU, national, and local governments in addressing these legal challenges. While the topic might seem to be primarily legal, it can provide useful insights for all researchers who are working on urban-related topics. 

 Please reply at the latest on June 28th to Esther Van Zimmeren, so that a larger room can be reserved in case that would be needed. 

Please bring your own lunch for this informal gathering.

29 May 2024 – Chatbox 'The Role of Judges'

During the chatbox three members of our research group will share papers and lead a discussion on the role of judges.​

Time: 12:30 - 2 p.m.

Location: UAntwerpen Stadscampus, Lessiuszaal

14 May 2024 – Human Rights Interdisciplinary PhD Circle

The PhD Circle is an initiative led by the human rights centres at the London School of Economics, the Norwegian Center for Human Rights, the University of Antwerp, the University of Cambridge, and the Human Rights Centre at the University of Essex. The Circle provides an opportunity for PhD students based within the five partner institutions engaged in human rights research to come together once a year to present and share their research. The Circle is fundamentally committed to fostering and promoting interdisciplinary doctoral research across a broad range of human rights issues.

7 May 2024 – Researchers Present

During the seminar three members of our research group will present their research projects:

  • Mieke Verrelst (supervisor Dirk Vanheule)
  • Jana Van der Smissen (supervisor Dirk Vanheule)
  • Cassandra Willems (supervisor Patricia Popelier & Peter Bursens)

Time: 12:30 - 2 p.m.

Location: UAntwerpen Stadscampus, S.A.107

26 March 2024 - A Hands-on Introduction to Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

A full day workshop on the theory and practice behind using QCA in law and social sciences. Organised by Andreas Corcaci, Jakob Frateur, and Alberto Nicòtina with guest speaker Bart Cambré.

25 March - Government & Law & Law Enforcement Lunch Seminar

The Government and Law and Law Enforcement Research Groups will host a lunch time talk with our colleagues Elzbieta Kuzelewska (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6092-7284) and Dariusz Kużelewski (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8177-0768) from Bialystok University (Poland) who are visiting us on an Erasmus+ staff exchange. 

Elzbieta is Professor of Constitutional Law and heads the Department of Comparative Constitutional Law at the University of Bialystok, Poland, and, since October 2019, she holds a position of Vice-Dean for Science. She is inter alia president of the Center for Democracy Studies, editor of the series Current Debates in European Integration (Routledge), and the European Integration and Democracy Series (Larcier-Intersentia). Her research fields include constitutional law, direct democracy, European integration, and contemporary political systems.

Dariusz is Professor in Criminal Procedural Law. He has published extensively on various issues regarding restorative justice, victimology, and criminal proceedings. His research fields include theory and practice of restorative justice, victimology, and police law.

During this lunch time seminar, Elzbieta will talk on the rule of law in Poland and Dariusz will speak about the victim-offender mediation (restorative justice) inPoland. There will be opportunity to exchange ideas on ongoing research within our groups.

Time: 12:30 - 2 p.m.

Location: UAntwerpen Stadscampus, S.V.152

18 March 2024 – PPG x G&L Seminar + Borrel 

A joint Politics and Public Governance – Law & Government seminar, with Andreas Corcaci and Alberto Nicotina.

Andreas Corcaci is a Senior Researcher and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Antwerp engaged in research on environmental conflict resolution, in particular the national implementation of judgements from courts and managerial agreements from non-compliance mechanisms. Before, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. His research interests lie in the areas of multilevel (judicial) governance and administration in environmental, energy and climate policy, as well as concept structures and set-theoretic multimethod research. He has a Dr. phil. from Technische Universität Darmstadt with a dissertation on compliance in the European Union using Qualitative Comparative Analysis.

Abstract of the work Andreas will present:

This article theorises the national implementation of European and international decisions on environmental conflicts, integrating both judgments from courts and so-called managerial decisions from (non-)compliance mechanisms in multilateral environmental agreements. Starting from the observation that the impact of climate change is increasing with backlash from populist governments and political regimes against its mitigation, implementing legal obligations in the absence of specialised environmental courts is crucial to protect the environment from harm. However, systematic insights on the national implementation of judgments and managerial decisions made beyond the nation state are underexplored. Following a political science perspective, this article conceptualises the conditions explaining this phenomenon by making use of existing research from various disciplines including political science and law on policy implementation to enable systematic comparisons. For this purpose, the article outlines a concept structural approach based on two hypothesised explanations: one based on the mechanisms used to solve conflicts, and another relating to the legitimacy of relevant institutions and processes of conflict resolution. These explanatory pathways reflect the existing management and enforcement approaches from the political science literature on implementation and follow a conjunctural logic. The theoretical approach developed in this article enables systematic comparisons across decisions and thus accounts for a variety of separate but equally valid explanations. Future research and empirical analysis will directly feed back into the concept structure for further theoretical development and lead to generalisable insights on the national implementation of court judgments and managerial decisions on environmental conflicts. In this way, the aim is to contribute to both political science and legal literature regarding European and international environmental law, environmental politics, and judicial governance.

Alberto Nicòtina is a PhD Candidate in Constitutional Law at the University of Antwerp, and member (of the Steering Committee) of the Government & Law Research Group. Together with Patricia Popelier and Peter Bursens, he co-edited “EU Law and National Constitutions: the Constitutional Dynamics of Multi-Level Governance” (Routledge 2024). In 2022, he was Visiting Researcher at the Complutense University of Madrid and the University of Copenhagen. He holds a Master’s Degree in Comparative, European and Transnational Law from the University of Trento (Italy). 

Abstract of the work Alberto will present:

The aim of this project is to identify and assess the constitutional strategies adopted by the EU Member States to secure the implementation of EU law within national boundaries while at the same time providing a strengthened legitimacy to European claims of supremacy within national legal systems. It is centered around two main constitutional strategies: an ‘efficiency strategy’ focused on the efficient implementation of EU law, and a ‘legitimacy strategy’ characterized by the need to legitimize the ‘intrusion’ of EU law into the national legal order. The overarching research question is twofold: it consists of individuating types of strategy and shifts in strategies: whatcontextual factors lie behind the (implicit or explicit) adoption of a specific constitutional strategy and behind possible shifts from one strategy to another over time? Such contextual factors were identified using a mix of case studies and Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA). Furthermore, the research explored the role played by subnational entities in multi-tiered constitutional systems vis-à-vis the supranational level. The ultimate aim of the research is to draw the attention of Constituents towards the challenges brought by the multi-level governance system in order to stimulate more conscious choices on the constitutional strategy to adopt.

After the presentations, we have some more time for informal networking in the hall of de Meerminne. Drinks and snacks will be provided.

  • Date: Monday, 18th of March 2024
  • Location: S.M.005
  • Time: 14:00-16:00 presentations, 16:00-17.30 drinks

12 March 2024 – Valorisation Seminar

This seminar will take an in depth look at how Pharus can help members of Government and Law to further valorise their research, with a case example from within our group. Speakers will include Nick Portugaels (Valorisation Manager, Pharus) and Sigrid Pauwels (Associate Professor, Government and Law).​

Time: 12.30 - 2 p.m.

Location: UAntwerpen Stadscampus, S.A.107

6 March 2024 – Researchers Present

During the seminar four members of our research group will present their research projects:

  • Anh Le Hai (supervisor Esther van Zimmeren)
  • Claire Fornoville (supervisor Stéphanie De Somer)
  • Floris Fonteyn (supervisor Cedric Jenart)
  • Yannick Smeets (supervisor Cedric Jenart)

Time: 12 - 2 p.m.

Location: UAntwerpen Stadscampus, S.C.102

19 February 2024 – Researchers Present

During the seminar three members of our research group will present their research projects:

  • Alberto Nicotina (supervisor Patricia Popelier)
  • Alejandro Magallón (visiting researcher from the University of Zaragoza, supervisor Patricia Popelier)
  • Susana Coroado (postdoc G&L and PPG)

Time: 12.30 - 2 p.m.

Location: UAntwerpen Stadscampus, S.A.107


20 December 2023 - Lunch Colloquium Conceptualising Environmental Justice

Florence Van Durme is organising a lunch session on conceptualising environmental justice in continental Europe: What can we learn from other areas? It is possible to join in person in Tilburg or online. If you would be interested in briefly presenting what the questions mean in relation to your research (approx. 5 minutes), there are a few presenter spots left. Please contact florence.vandurme@uantwerpen.be if you wish to do so. In any case, there will be enough time for informal discussion among all participants.

Time: 12.30-14:00

Hybrid: online (register here until December 15) and Tilburg University (M534)

20 December 2023 - PPGxG&L Joint Seminar

During this joint seminar, Prof. Ton Van Den Brink will speak on the topic of European Governance. 

Topic: Over the past decades, the European legislator has come of age, gradually but unmistakably. Its work is no longer overshadowed by the Court of Justice and limited to the implementation of Treaty requirements. We now witness a legislator that makes free choices and has become a much more political actor. Its versatility is demonstrated through a broad array of tools to shape the relations with the Member States. The mature, free and versatile legislator is showing itself now perhaps more than ever, in a time in which the digital transitional and sustainability transition bring new legislative impulses. 

Time: 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.

Location: UAntwerpen Stadscampus, S.C.205

18 December 2023 – Seminar on Practicing Decolonial & Feminist Research Ethics

On December 18, Devanshi Saxena will share her experience of applying a decolonial feminist research ethics. She researches the potential of Geographical Indications to achieve Sustainable Development and adopt a critical decolonial approach towards GI laws and governance. She will discuss practical issues on research ethics, i.e., the timing when reflection on research ethics kicks in in our research trajectories, the subjectivity of research ethics, risk identification and the different axes of vulnerabilities of research participants, planning and designing conversational interview protocol and dynamic focus group discussions, the ethical clearance process at the University of Antwerp, and the experience of using these methodological tools during her case study in India.

Time: 13.00-14:30

Hybrid: online and S.V.152

05 December 2023 - Researchers Present

During the seminar three members of our research group will present their research projects

  • Chelsea Stevens (supervisor Stéphanie De Somer)
  • Jonathan Bernaerts
  • Rebecca Ricifari (supervisor Johan Meeusen)

Time: 12.30 - 2 p.m.

Location: UAntwerpen Stadscampus, S.C.206

27 November 2023 - Government & Law PhD - Student Researcher Buddy System Meeting

Time: 12.30 - 1.30 p.m.

Location: S.V.152

24 November 2023 - Lecture with Laura Smith-Khan

The public lecture "Communicating credibly in refugee status determination: How beliefs about language can affect decision-making" by Laura Smith-Khan (University of Technology Sydney) is hosted by the research groups GaP, Government and Law, and MIGLOBA. Dr. Smith-Khan's research is focused on the participation of minoritised groups in legal settings, especially migration processes. She has tertiary qualifications in both law and linguistics and has been admitted to practice as a lawyer in Australia.

Time: 12.30 - 2 p.m.

Location: UAntwerpen Stadscampus, Room KS.204

14 November 2023 - Government & Law x STALS Inaugural Meeting

The inaugural (online) meeting of the new research collaboration between the Government and Law Research Group (University of Antwerp) and STALS (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Italy). During this meeting both groups will come together to discuss our own research and potential for future collaborations.

30 October 2023 - Welcome Drinks

This is an opportunity to welcome new and visiting researchers and to get to know each other better in an informal setting.

Venue: RAS

17 October 2023 - Research Training

This training session will include:

  • How to use Google Scholar to find literature;
  • How to use ResearchGate to find literature;
  • Why you’d want to have an account on both platforms;
  • Web of Science: what is it, how to use it; and
  • How to find impact factors of journals.

Language: English

Time: 12 - 14h

Venue: S.A.015 

10 October 2023 - Seminar with Professor Henk Addink (retired Utrecht University)

On Tuesday 10 October 2023, Professor Henk Addink visited our faculty to present his new book Algemene Beginselen van Bestuursrecht. Henk Addink is a retired professor at the University of Utrecht. He has published a lot of inspiring work on good governance and good administration, among which a book on Good Governance published by Oxford University Press. All faculty member are welcome to join his presentation, but we do ask to register by 2 October 2023. The venue will be communicated to those who registered shortly after registration closes. Please bring your own lunch; water, coffee, and tea will be provided. Since the book that will be presented was written in Dutch, the presentation will also take place in Dutch. Colleagues working on topics of good governance who would like to exchange ideas with professor Addink in English, are, however, welcome to contact Stéphanie De Somer, since professor Addink is more than happy to schedule meetings before or after his presentation! A written transcript (in English) of the presentation can be found here.

Language: Dutch

Time: 12:30 - 14h

Venue: S.C.001

26 September 2023 - IP Law & Governance Seminar 

Strong Intellectual Property Protection, Weak Competition Rules – or the Other Way Around to Accelerate Technology Transfer to the Global South?

Abstract: Competition law provisions relating to intellectual property (IP) rights should play an enhanced role in facilitating the domestic and international transfer and dissemination of technology. IP-related competition rules in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) create an obligation for Member States to apply competition law in the IP context. TRIPS competition rules should be read in a “prodevelopment” fashion – IP rights need to be read reductively, IP-related competition law expansively. Ten considerations for a “prodevelopment” IP-related competition law are proposed.

Bio: Klaus Beiter is a full professor at North-West University in Potchefstroom, South Africa. His research focuses on the right to education and education law, the right to science, science law, academic/scientific freedom, intellectual property rights, the extraterritorial application of human rights, law and development, and law and language. He is an ad hoc consultant to UNESCO, a member of the Consortium for Human Rights Beyond Borders in Heidelberg, an adviser to the global Right to Education Initiative in London, and an ambassador to the Observatory Magna Charta Universitatum in Bologna.

Venue: SK.103

22 September 2023 - Research Group Day

During the morning session the Research Group reviews its performance in preparation of the Research Visitation and will discuss its social impact and funding strategies.The afternoon is dedicated to team building activities.

Time: 9:30-17h

Venue: Spark9

12 - 14 July 2023 Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance

Together with the Steering Committee of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance and the TiGRE consortium (Trust in Governance and Regulation in Europe), the GOVTRUST Centre of Excellence is happy to host the 2023 Biennial Conference of the ECPR Standing Group on Regulatory Governance.

More information and call for papers

5 June 2023 - LEGITIMULT Webinar

25 May 2023 - PhD Event, How to Grow Confidence in Conducting and Presenting your Research 

Annual PhD event. More info here.

Time: 12:30-17:30

Venue: ViaVia Reiscafé –Wolstraat 43, 2000 Antwerp

27 April 2023 - Junior Researchers Present

During the seminar three early career scholars of our research group will present their research projects

  • Felipe De Andrade (supervisor Esther Van Zimmeren)
  • Helga Luku (supervisor Johan Meeusen)
  • Fien Van Reempts (supervisor Johan Meeusen)

Time: 12:30-14:00

Venue: Lokaal S.R218

20 April 2023 - Junior Researchers Present

During the seminar two early career scholars of our research group will present their research projects

  • Jakob Frateur (supervisor Patricia Popelier)
  • Aleksandra Kubińska (supervisor Patricia Popelier)

Time: 12:30-14:00

Venue: Lokaal S.R218

6 April 2023 - IP Law & Governance Seminar

The DSM Directive, four years on: towards a fair balance in the digitised music industry?

The presentation focuses on how the 2019 Digital Single Market (DSM) Directive has sought to contribute to achieving a fair(er) balance between the interests of composing and/or performing musicians and their corporate partners in the digitised music industry and whether it has, up until now, succeeded in this goal. It analyses the evolving legal framework as applicable in theory and in practice to composing and/or performing musicians, as well as to their relationship with their primary corporate partners in the digitised music industry, namely music publishers and record companies. On a secondary level, the further grant of rights by those primary corporate partners to third parties is also studied. While primary focus lies with copyright contract law, relevant principles of general contract law and the law of unfair B2B contract terms and trade practices are reviewed by way of background. The national laws of Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands are analysed against the background of the extensive relevant EU acquis.

Jozefien Vanherpe is an assistant professor in intellectual property law at the KU Leuven Centre for IT and IP law (CiTiP). She studied law at KU Leuven and completed her studies magna cum laude in June 2013. During the academic year 2013-2014, Jozefien was enrolled in the LLM program at the University of Cambridge, where she obtained a First Class degree as well as a Bateman Scholarship and the Ian Malcolm Lewis Prize for Law from her college, Trinity Hall. From 2014 through 2018, Jozefien was active as a litigation attorney specialised in intellectual property law. In March 2022, she successfully defended her PhD at KU Leuven on the legal framework surrounding contracts in the digitised music industry.

Venue: SR.219

28 March 2023 Government and Law x Law and Development Book Talk

Government and Law x Law and Development invite you to a book talk on “The European Union, Emerging Global Business and Human Rights” by Dr. Aleydis Nissen (FWO/VUB)

Emerging and developing states are home to powerful corporations capable of deploying economic activities on a global scale through the rapid pace of technological change and globalisation. But such corporations have to date been largely overlooked in the field of business and human rights. Treatment of such corporations has typically been in the context of supply chain studies, as subsidiaries of corporations from economically developed Western states. This book takes a radically different approach. It aims to investigate the conditions under which the European Union and its Member States regulate and remedy human rights violations by corporations from emerging and developing states. Stemming from the hypothesis that the EU intends to play a central role, Aleydis Nissen explores how the EU and its Member States attempt to ensure that EU-based businesses are not undercut by emerging competition, drawing on global examples to illustrate this developing phenomenon. Book website: www.emergingbhr.eu

Aleydis Nissen is an FWO postdoc researcher at VUB. She studied at KULeuven and Cardiff University and was a visiting researcher at various research centres, most recently at the University of Oxford's Centre for Socio-Legal Studies. Her book won three international first prizes: the 2020 Best Thesis Prize of the European Group of Public Law, the 2021 Thesis Prize of the Strasbourg-based Fondation René Cassin International Institute of Human Rights and the Andrés Bello (J.B. Scott) Prize of the Geneva-based Institute of International Law.

Moderator: Janet Jebichii (UAntwerp Law & Development)

Time: 12:30 – 14:00

Venue: Room S.S004 (Grauwzusters)

24 March 2023 Burgerlijke ongehoorzaamheid, een volgende stap in het klimaatactivisme (Civil disobedience, the next step in climate activism)

More information on the programme and registration can be found here.

Time: 10:00 - 16:30 

Venue: Hof van Liere, de Tassiszaal en DürerzaalPrinsstraat 132000 Antwerpen

10 March 2023 - University Of Essex, Law School & University Of Antwerp, Research Group Government & Law

Introduction to each other’s research agendas and discussion on opportunities for future collaboration.

Time: 9-17h

Venue:  Hof Van Liere, Prentenkabinet (Prinsstraat 13)


29 September 2022 - Joint Seminar on Interdisciplary Research

Time: All day

Venue: Online

12 September 2022 - Research Group Day

Time: 9-17h

Venue: The Hidden Gem

16 May 2022 - Inaugural Event Antwerp-Essex collaboration: The Challenges and Opportunities of Socio Legal Methods

Time: 9:30-13h

Venue: Online

28 March 2022 - ZAP Presents

During the seminar, two ZAP members of our research group presented their ongoing research:

  • Sigrid Pauwels 
  • Stéphanie De Somer

Time: 12:30-14:30

Venue: SR112 (hybrid)

20 March 2022 - PhD Event: Law Beyond Academia

Time: From 12:45

Venue: ViaVia Cafe

14 March 2022 - Junior Researchers Present

During the seminar three early career scholars of our research group presented their research projects

  • Ülkü Tanriverdi (supervisor Esther Van Zimmeren)
  • Naomi Ghys (supervisor Freek Louckx)
  • dr. Mona Giacometti (supervisor Catherine Van De Heyning)

Time: 12:30-14:30

Venue: D013 (hybrid)

23 February 2022 - Visiting Researchers Present

During the seminar three researchers that visited (or are still visiting) our research group presented their research projects:

•      Dario Badules Inglesias: “Instruments for a better quality of Law” Universidad de Zaragoza (Spain).

•      Joana Neto: “Employees with disabilities or illnesses: reasonable accommodation of the workplace” Nova School of Law (Lisbon, Portugal).

•     Chiara Salati: “From Italian to European cities: searching for a framework for civic participation through the commons" Università di Macerata (Italy).

Time: 12:00-14:00

Venue: Online


20 December 2021 - Work in Progress: ZAP Presents

The following academic staff presented their research in progress: prof. Nicole Plets and prof. Dirk Vanheule.

Time: 12:30-14:30.

Venue: online.

7 December 2021 - Meeting Richard Albert: A discussion of constitutional amendments and career planning for junior scholars. 

During the seminar Richard Albert discussed his recent book ‘Constitutional Amendments: Making, Breaking, and Changing Constitutions.' Alberto Nicotina and Mathieu Leloup challenged the author as respondents. In the second part of this seminar, Richard Albert advised junior researchers on academic career planning.

Time: 16:00-18:00

Venue: Online

26 November 2021 - Workshop: Using qualitative interviews in law: tips and tricks

Monika Glavina (PhD) led a workshop covering topics such as research design, developing interview protocol, access to participants, data collection and data analysis. 

Time: 12:00-14:00

Venue: Room S.D.015 and online

26 October 2021 - Welcome Drinks

This was an opportunity to welcome new and visiting researcher, an opportunity to get to know each other better in an informal setting.

Time: 17:30

Venue: ViaVia Cafe

21 October 2021 - Judges in times of transitional situations

Reflections by a former president of the Constitutional Court of Burundi and of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights By Prof. Dr. Gérard Niyungeko

Time:12:30 - 14:00

Venue: Hof Van Liere

15 October 2021 - What's (not) in the (con)text?

The event offered insight in text and discourse analysis and auxiliary research tools and methods. Three internationally acclaimed researchers discussed methods, tools and analytical practices. It provided the opportunity to discuss and exchange experiences and challenges of methods in text analysis by way of interactive peer sessions

Time: 12:45-17:15

Venue: Hof van Liere

10 September 2021 - Research Group Day

During the morning session the Research Group reviews its performance in preparation to the Research Visitation and will discuss its social impact and funding strategies.The afternoon is dedicated to team building activities starting with a workshop on communication and assertiveness provided by TrueColours.

Time: 9:00 -18:00

Venue: Spark9

25 May 2021 - Junior Researchers Present

Three of our newest researchers present their research project for the coming years: Vincent Verbelen (supervisor prof. Jan Velaers), Annelien Stijleman (supervisor prof. Ingrid Opdebeek and prof. Stéphanie De Somer), Michiel Luining (supervisor prof. Patricia Popelier) and Florence Van Durme (supervisor prof. Koen Van Aeken)

Time: 12:00 -14:00

Venue: online

17 May 2021 - Publication Strategy

The Research Group members will discuss our (common) publication strategy with particular focus on four aspects: (inter)national research, interdisciplinary, impact and time management.

Time: 12:00- 14:00

Venue: Online

7 May 2021- PhD Event 'Building a community in legal research: Practical skills and practice'

Through various workshops researchers will have the opportunity to develop their communication skills, increase their self-knowledge and develop their own network. Find more about it here.

Time: 12:45 - 18:00

Venue: Online

16 April 2021 - QCA Training

Maja Sahadžić will give  a workshop on Qualitative Comparative Analysis

Time: 12:00- 14:00

Venue: Online

26 March 2021 - Junior Researchers Present

Three of our newest researchers present their research project for the coming years: Heidi Suorsa (supervisor prof. Freek Louckx), Jasper Van Steenbergen (supervisor prof. Ingrid Opdebeek) and Lidia Bonifati (supervisor prof. Patricia Popelier)

Time: 12:00 -14:00

Venue: online

26 February 2021 - ChatBox on Citizenship

The ChatBox aims at discussing the intricate notion of 'citizenship' from a variety of perspectives. To kick-off the discussion three commentators will each discuss a different utilisation of citizenship: Digital citizenship (prof. Esther van Zimmeren), dialogical citizenship (Maaike Geuens) and social citizenship (prof. Herwig Verschueren)

Time: 12:00-14:00.

Venue: online


2 December 2020 - Junior Researchers Present (part 2)

Three newest researchers present their research project for the coming years: Alberto Nicotina (supervisor prof. Patricia Popelier), Devanshi Saxena (supervisor prof. Esther van Zimmeren), and Ellen Vandennieuwenhuysen (supervisor prof. Dirk Vanheule).

Time: 12:00-14:00.

Venue: online.

26 November 2020 - Work in Progress: ZAP Presents

The following academic staff presented their research in progress: prof. Jan Velaers and prof. Herwig Verschueren.

Time: 12:30-14:00.

Venue: online.

12 November 2020 -  “Judicial Reputation and Judicial Independence”

Two researchers, Šimon Drugda (University of Copenhagen) and dr. Federica Baldan (University of Antwerp) presented their research.

Time: 11:30-13:00. 

Venue: online.  

23 October 2020 - Establishing a good research methodology

Dr. Maja Sahadžić presented how to develop a methodological approach in qualitative and empirical research. 

Time: 12:00-13:30.

Venue: online. 

3 February 2020

The workshop “Submitting project proposals: experiences and tips” aimed at sharing positive and less positive experiences with submitting project proposals, nationally and internationally.  

Time: 12:30-14:00. 

Venue: C.201.


4 December 2019 Study Afternoon 10 Years Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU - Studienamiddag 10 jaar Handvest van de Grondrechten van de EU

The Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU has been in force since 1 December 2009 and is now ten years old. All fundamental rights that apply in the EU are included in the Charter. The Charter makes these rights visible and better known to all citizens. In addition, it contains rights that are not protected under the ECHR, such as social rights of employees, data protection and the right to good administration. The Charter applies to Union institutions and bodies and to the Member States when implementing Union law. To mark the tenth anniversary, a study afternoon is being organized on the Charter on Wednesday 4 December (in Dutch). In addition to a general introduction to and reflection on the Charter, particular attention will be paid to the procedural guarantees, the right to liberty and security, the right to private life and protection of personal data and the Charter’s impact on migration. Information leaflet and enrolment.

Time: 13:00-17:00. 

Venue: Hof van Liere, UAntwerp


25 November 2019 The Work in Progress: new ZAP.  

The following academic staff presented their research in progress: prof. Freek Louckx, prof. Sigrid Pauwels, and prof. Koen Van Aeken.

Time: 12:30-14:00.

Venue: D.015. 


19 November 2019 The International MLL Workshop "Adaptive City Law in Europe, Resolving the Disconnect between Resilient Cities and the Law".

Time: 8:30-17:30.


22 October 2019 Annual Welcome Drink 

Time: 17:00. 

Venue: ViaVia café. 


9 October 2019 Seminar

"The Impact of Judicial Review of the Legislative Process on Legislative Behavior: An Empirical Study" by dr. Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov (Bar-Ilan University).

Time: 12:30-14:00.

Venue: A.206.

5 July 2019 Research Day 

Time: 9:00.

Venue: “Out of the Box” Skybox Meeting Room, Frankrijklei 119, 2000 Antwerpen (Hardy Building; above Deutsche Bank; 6th floor).


24 May 2019 PhD conference: Security, Identity and Modernity in Public Law

Conference organizing committee: Mathieu Leloup, University of AntwerpInès Rivière, University of AntwerpTom Bonne, Hasselt UniversityMarie DeCock, Hasselt UniversityLouise Reyntjens, University of Leuven.

Time: 9:00.

Venue: K202 (Kleine Kauwenberg 14, 2000 Antwerpen). 


22 May 2019 Chat Box

‘Chat box’ on participatory and deliberative democracy. Organized and coordinated by Maaike Geuens.

Time: 12:30-14:00

Venue: C.205


25 April 2019 Seminar

Methodology Seminar on ‘Pleasures and burdens of interdisciplinary research.

Presentations by prof. Patricia Popelier on 'Law and (empirical) social sciences: pains and glories' and by dr. Christine Frison on 'How to design your own interdisciplinary research project? Joys and pains of not fitting into any classical disciplinary research 'box'. Response from social sciences (Dirk De Bièvre, Wouter Van Dooren, and Koen Verhoest).

Time: 12:30-14:00.

Venue: C.102.


27 March 2019 Research Teaser

Research Teaser on the Ethics Committee Social and Human Sciences (in cooperation with the faculty’s research administration).

Those involved with the Committee provided information about the functioning of the Committee, the do’s and don’ts for submitting an application request, the fixed ‘collection dates’ for submitting and specific tips and tricks for law applications, and so on.

The panel members: Steven Gillis (FLW, chairman EA SHW),  Marianne De Voecht (ADOC, secretary EA SHW), Kristina Granaas (ADOC, admin support EA SHW), Charlotte De Backer (FSW, policy advisor and vice-chair EA SHW), and Wouter Vandenhole (FRECH, member EA SHW). 

Discussion and Q&A with the attendees.

Time: 12:20-14:00.

Venue: R.219.


27 February 2019 Seminar

Work in Progress: Seminar on ongoing ZAP research. 

Presentation by prof. Ingrid Opdebeek on “Upcoming research on general administrative law” and prof. Esther Van Zimmeren on "Who Dares to Trust the Unified Patent Court: Uncertainty and the 'Leap of Faith'"

Time: 12:30-14:00.

Venue: C.205.


20 November 2018  

The European Citizens' Initiative: Participation for all  

20-21 September 2018  

Seminar: Conference on Law-Making in multi-level settings – federalism, Europe, and beyond

The seminar was organized by the University of Antwerp, the International Association of Legislation, Interuniversitair Centrum voor Wetgeving, the University of Zürich, the Institute for Legal and Political Sciences/Lisbon Centre for Research in Public Law of Lisbon Law School/ the University of Lisbon, and Actore – Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

12 June 2018

Seminar (Dutch): Het beheer van openbare diensten (Seminar on management of public services)

5 June 2018  

Seminar (Dutch): Bestuurlijke handhaving: Hoe door de bomen het bos nog zien? (Seminar on administrative enforcement)

 5 June 2018

Seminar: Technological capacities in the public sector: why some public sector organizations are able to (rapidly) develop their technological capacities and others are not?

25 May 2018

Ph.D. Conference: Values and principles in multilevel governance: challenges and opportunities

14 May 2018

The practical application in Belgium of the "new generation" European IPR regulations​

23-24 April 2018 

Expert Seminar: Constitutional asymmetry in multi-tiered multinational systems

  • The seminar brought together academics to explore and discuss the association between constitutional asymmetry, multi-tiered systems, and multinationalism. The objectives of the seminar were three folded: Detecting constitutional asymmetry within the chosen systems; explaining the historical background behind constitutional asymmetries and the logic behind constitutional asymmetries; and linking constitutional asymmetry to multinationalism


13 March 2018 - 24 April 2018 - 15 May 2018

  • The Migration and Migrants Law Chair (Leerstoel Migratie- en migrantenrecht) presents a series of legal lectures by the Center for Migration and Intercultural Studies (CeMIS) in collaboration with the Research Group Government and Law of the Law Faculty of the University of Antwerp. During three study afternoons (March 13th, April 24th and May 15th - from 1.30 pm to 5 pm) experienced speakers will discuss developments in EU law, human rights, residence regulations, civil law and social law. The lectures were held in Dutch


14-15 December 2017

  • ACTORE Workshop on Judicial Governance: 'The Role of European and International Courts and their Interactions with Other Organizations in Judicial Governance'

19 October 2017

  • Seminar (Dutch): Lokalebewonersparticipatie (Participation of local residents

14 February 2017

  • Chatbox on the concept ‘rule of law’.

23-24 February 2017

  • Expert Seminar on “The Deliberative Performance of Constitutional Courts: an Empirical Perspective”. 

23 March 2017

  • Methodology seminar: working with case studies by Professor Liliana Rodriguez Lizarazo. This seminar receives financial support of the Faculty and will be open to colleagues of other research groups.

27 March 2017 

  • Round table: Supreme Courts as guarantee for effectiveness of judicial systems, in cooperation with Law Enforcement Research Group.  You can find the program here. Register by sending an email to Lauranne Claes.

20 April 2017  

  • Seminar on work in progress in the 4th research line ('Rule of law and constitutionalism').

21 April 2017

  • Conference on Supreme Courts as guarantee for effectiveness of judicial systems in the European Union 
  • Livestream of the Plenary Session at 9am, the Session on General organization of judicial work and role of scientific and research divisions and the Session on Communication of the Supreme Courts and role in the work of Councils for Judiciary at 2pm.

10 May 2017

  • Seminar on work in progress - Visiting scholars.

17 May 2017

  • PhD Conference ‘Hybrid Forms of Governance: Moving Beyond Traditional Public Law’
  • For more information on the conference, please contact the organizers affiliated to our research group (Sander Nysten, Ute Lettanie, Maja Sahadzic and Didier Van Overloop)

17 May 2017

  • Competition (Dutch): Bemiddeling in bestuurszaken (Mediation in administration)


The Migration and Migrants Law Chair is a legal lecture series of the Center for Migration and Intercultural Studies (CeMIS) in collaboration with the Research Group Government and Law of the Law Faculty of the University of Antwerp. During three study afternoons, from 1.30 pm to 5 pm, experienced speakers will discuss European themes & social protection, aspects of residence law: family reunification, asylum & removal and fundamental rights protection. The seminars were held in Dutch.

Session 1: Tuesday 21 February 2017

Europese thema's en sociale bescherming.

  • Chair: Steven Bouckaert, the University of Leuven
  • De sociaalrechtelijke positie van de gedetacheerde werknemers - Herwig Verschueren, Universiteit Antwerpen
  • De opvang van asielzoekers. Tien jaar opvangwet - Dirk Torfs, Arbeidshof Antwerpen
  • De rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie - Nathan Cambien, Universiteit Antwerpen

Session 2: Tuesday 14 maart 2017

Aspecten van verblijfswetgeving – gezinshereniging, asiel en verwijderen

  • Chair: Dirk Vanheule, Universiteit Antwerpen
  • Het detentie en -verwijderingsbeleid - Geert Verbauwhede, Dienst Vreemdelingenzaken
  • Hoe een asielaanvraag beoordelen? Het geval van asielaanvragen gebaseerd op seksuele geaardheid - Luc Leboeuf, Advocaat, Max Planck Institute, Universiteit Antwerpen
  • De bestaansmiddelenvoorwaarde in het kader van de gezinshereniging - Eric Willems, Dienst Burgerzaken van de Stad Gent / Infopunt Migratie

Session 3: dinsdag 25 april 2017


  • Chair: Marleen Maes, Raad voor Vreemdelingenbetwistingen en Universiteit Antwerpen
  • De rechtspraak van het Europees Hof van de Rechten van de Mens - Ellen De Smet, UGent
  • Inburgering in het migratie- en migrantenrecht - Kristien Sacré, Agentschap Integratie en Inburgering
  • De rechtspraak van het Grondwettelijk Hof - Riet Leysen, Grondwettelijk Hof

21 April 2017

  • Moot court constitutional law
  • During the second interuniversity moot court constitutional law the Antwerpian team of Master students (Felix Feyt, Isaura De Cleen and Ben Claes) were victorious in writing the best brief and finished second for the best oral argument


22-23 September 2016 - Stéphanie De Somer (research group Government & Law) obtained an OJO grant (grant to support young researchers; OJO-Omkadering Jonge Onderzoekers) with the aim of inviting internationally renowned researcher Prof. dr. Jane Holder (UCL, London) to the University of Antwerp. Professor Holder, who was the laureate of the Oxford University Law Teacher of the Year Award 2015, will visit the Law Faculty on 22 and 23 September 2016. She will give a workshop on methodology for a selection of our doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, with a focus on 'law in context' research and the role of case studies in legal research. She will also give a presentation on her own research in the field of environmental law, in which she applies a 'law in context' approach and uses cases studies as a scientific method. Further details on programme and registration will follow soon.

26 May 2016 - Chatbox on the concept of ‘legitimacy’ - 12.30-15.00 - C104.

20 May 2016 - Annual Government & Law PhD conference - 9.00h -16.30h. Venue: University of Antwerp, Hof van Liere, Prinsstraat 13, Antwerp. For pictures and further information, click here.

21 – 22 April 2016 - First Annual PhD Colloquium of Young Researchers on A New Architecture for International Economic Law 2016 - University of Antwerp, Building R, Rodestraat 14, Room no. R.219. For the full program, click here.

21 April 2016 - Presentation of the research topics of our new PhD students (SEMINAR 2) - 12.30h-14h in C 001.

23 March 2016 - Seminar research line Multilevel Good Governance - 12.30h-14h in C201.

17 March 2016 - Presentation of the research topics of our new PhD students (SEMINAR 1) - 12.30h-14h in D226.

2 February 2016: Professor Patricia Popelier delivered a course during the Eurac Winter School on federalism, Innsbruck.


23 October 2015, 9h30-13h, D.014: Mini-conference on 'Justice and Management': What are the Expectations from the Public towards the Justice System?

24 September 2015, 9h30-17h45, C002: Conference on 'Integrating Europe. Competing Paradigms for EU law'

29 June 2015, 14h-16h, Annex building: lecture by professor James A. Gardner, Interim Dean & Bridget and Thomas Black SUNY Distinguished Professor of the SUNY Buffalo Law School, New York, on constitutional design and subnational governmental negotiating strategies followed by a discussion of his comparative study including the Belgian case.

29 May 2015, Kapel Grauwzusters, 14h-18h:  Studienamiddag 'Vernieuwd Kader Bankentoezicht'organised by Government and Law in collaboration with Business and Law.  

28 May 2015, Annex 9-17 h: Interdisciplinary PhD seminar on 'Judicial and Regulatory Politics' organised by Law and Government, ACIM and Public Administration and Government - with international expert: Christophe Hönnige

26 May 2015, C203, 9h30-15h: Expert Seminar on International Investment Law

22 May 2015, C207, 14h-18h30: Expert Seminar "Recognising the multiple objectives of agricultural policy. Reframing the WTO Green Box Subsidies"

18 May 2015, 12h30-14h: Faculty Lecture  by Prof. Dimitri Dimoulis, Professor at the São Paulo Law School of Fundação Getúlio Vargas & Director of the Brazilian Institute for Constitutional Studies, organised by the research group Government and Law, on "Transformative constitutionalism between rigidity and resilience. Liberal constitutionalism as starting point".

8 May 2015, 9-17h Hof van Liere - Prentenkabinet : PhD Congress Public Law.
For more information: see PhD Corner

7 May 2015, 12h30: Lunch talk by Kustrim Istrufi on ECtHR Azemi v Serbia: discontinuity of Serbia's de jure jurisdiction over Kosovo

5 May 2015, 12h30: Methodology Seminar on Interdisciplinary research - introduction by Sanne  Van de Pol & Samantha Bielen

4 May 2015: Yousra Benfquih (Law & Development) and Stéphanie De Somer (Government & Law) visited the pupils and teachers of two classes of the 5th year of secondary school at Stella Maris, Merksem (Antwerp) to discuss the relationship between the fundamental rights of freedom of expression and freedom of religion, both from a legal and an ethical or societal viewpoint. 

24 April 2015, C205, 12h30-14h:  Lunch Talk: dr. Giacomo DELLEDONNE on the normative and constitutional dimension in budgetary affairs

26 March 2015, C201, 12-14h: PhD Lunchseminar; Our new researchers present their research proposals: M. Van Leuvenhaege, L. Todt, C. Jenart, L. Verhaart and Y. Pang

19 March 2015, E201, 12-14h:  PhD Lunchseminar; Our new researchers present their research proposals: P. Batumike, F. Baldan, C. Jenart, C. Coene, I. Kirac

10 February 2015, A 205, 12h30 - 14h: Methodology Seminar: Comparative approach to legal research - introduction by Stéphanie De Somer and Werner Vandenbruwaene


5 December 2014, 12h30, C205 - Visiting PhD fellow Clara Rauchegger will present her ongoing research on the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and domestic fundamental rights from a perspective of EU and comparative constitutional law.

17 November 2014, 9h-17h, P.201 - A workshop ‘working with Nvivo’ by Prof. Mortelmans. Nvivo is a qualitative data analysis computer software package that can help to organize and analyze data. 

30-31 October 2014 - Expert Seminar on 'Shifting the Convention System: Counter-dynamics at the National Level'.  

24 October 2014, Bolzano/Bozen (South Tyrol, Italy) - Our research group participated in the organisation of a conference on Pro-Independence Movements and Migration, with the European Academy of Bolzano/Bozen and CIEMEN (Barcelona). 

17 October 2014, Brussels (Belgium) - In cooperation with the KULeuven, our research group is hosting a conference in Brussels on the EU Patent Package: Multidisciplinary and International Perspectives. Venue was the Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium for Science and the Arts (Academy Palace, Hertogsstraat 1, 1000 Brussels).

16 October 2014, D015-  Seminar with Seminar Prof. Rochelle C. Dreyfuss (New York University, US) and Prof.Dr. Yoshiyuki Tamura ((Hokkaido University, Japan) on the role of specialized IP Courts in the US and Japan

25 September 2014, University of Antwerp, M.103 - Workshop co-organized by the Centre for Law and Cosmopolitan Values, the Government & Law Research Group (UA) and the Centre for Law and Public Affairs (CeLAPA, Institute of State and Law, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) on "The Post-political Constellation and European Identity". 

29 September 2014, 12h30 - 14h15, D.015 - Lecture by Peter Lindseth  (University of Connecticut) on 'Supranational Delegation in the Crisis of European Integration' and a discussion by Marta Simoncini - co-organised by Government & Law and Business & Law

August 2014 - Sofia Ranchordàs won the Prize for Best Dissertation of the University of Tilburg. This was a joint PhD of the Universities of Tilburg and Antwerp. 

12 June 2014, 10-12h30 - Seminar organised in collaboration with the PhD programme in Globalization and International Economic Law. Prof. Jan Smits shared his views on legal research methodology. 

14 May 2014, 12h30-14h, C 207 - Lunch Seminar: work in progress. Esther Van Zimmeren and Sofia Ranchordas will give presentations on law & innovation. 

7 May 2014, 9h30-17h, Grauwzusters Building, Antwerp - Interuniversity PhD congress on 'the blurred distinction between public law and private law'. 

24 April 2014 - 12h30, C 205 - Methodology Seminar and PhD seminar with presentations by Dominik Moskvan and Maaike Geuens

11 March 2014, 12h30, D.013 - Faculty Lecture by Prof. Ilya Sonon (George Mason University) on 'Democracy and Political Ignorance'.

25 February, 25 March and 29 April 2014, 13h30 - 17h - Chair Migration Law.

17 February 2014, 12h30-14 h, C207 - Methodology Seminar

12 February 2014 - The Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the University of Antwerp, in cooperation with the Tijdschrift Lokale en Regionale Belastingen and Studipolis (die Keure), are co-organizing a seminar on the financial and fiscal aspects of the Sixth State Reform in Brussels.

6 February 2014, 12h30-14h, C205 - PhD lunchseminar. Presentations by Sarah Lambrecht on 'the Dynamics between National and Regional Fundamental Rights Protection in Europe: a Practice of Convergence?’ and Annika Mortelmans on 'Fraud in migration law'.

21 January 2014, 13h30-14h - Methodology lunch seminar


18 December 2013 - 12h - Werner Vandenbruwaene receives the Encouragement Award of the UA Research Council.

7 December 2013 - Lunch Seminar: work in progress. Presentations by Alexia Herwig ('An autonomy-based normative theory of the subsidiarity principle') and Marta Simoncini ('The erosion of the Meroni doctrine. The case of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)'). Venue: C201 at 12h30.

6 December 2013 - Conference on the Sixth State Reform (De Zesde Staatshervorming. Bevoegdheden, middelen en instellingen). 8h45-17h. Venue: Senate, Leuvenseweg 7, 1000 Brussels. 

6 December 2013 - Conference on personnel management in education. 9-15h30, Provinciaal Administratief Centrum, Auditorium "De Schelde", Woodrow Wilsonplein 2-3, Gent.

27 November 2013, 14-15.30,  M. 103 - Hana Müllerová on 'The right to a favourable environment in the Czech Constitution and its application'.

Xavier-François Millet on 'Constitutional Identity'

27 november 2013, 10h30-12h30, A126 - Xavier-François Millet (Université de Toulouse) gave a lecture on his prize-winning PhD on constitutional identity.  

9 November 2013 - Conference on the impact of safety standards on regulatory reform and trade prospects of the People's Republic of China, Venue: Hof van Liere, Prinsstraat 13, Prentenkabinet, 9h15-17h00. 

7 November 2013 - Joint PhD seminar with Prof. Dr. Joseph Marko in cooperation with ACIM (PSW), Venue: D.017, 9h15-17h15.  

6-7 November 2013 - International and interdisciplinary Conference on Global Challenges in Public-Private Partnerships, hosted by the University of Antwerp. 

4 November 2013 - 11-12h30, A107 - Lecture by Sylvie Delacroix organised in cooperation with the Center for Law and Cosmopolitan Values : "Not merely a nervous tic: habits, practical reason and ethical maturity".

10 October 2013 - 16h - Inaugural Speech, given by Ingrid Opdebeek,  holder of the Francqui Chair 2013 at the University of Hasselt. 

27 September 2013 - 13-17 h - Interdisciplinary Conference on autonomy, independence and accountability of economic regulators, organized by the University of Antwerp, KULeuven, ICW and Vlaamse Overheid, Dienst Wetsmatiging. Venue: Auditorium Maria Baers, Martelaarsplein 7, 1000 Brussel. 

12 September 2013 - 12-13h30 , D.424- Seminar by Iñigo González Ricoy on 'Democracy and Short-termism', organised by the Centre for Law and Cosmopolitan Values with the Government and Law Research Group. 

4 Juni 2013 - Afternoon Seminar on the Legal Protection against Government Action, hosted by Studipolis, with the collaboration of the Research Group Government & Law.

29-30 May 2013 - Closed Expert Seminar 'Constitutionalizing Multilevel Governance'

16 May 2013 - Seminar on 'Legality, Integrity and Institutional Design' by Dimitrios Kyritsis (University of Sheffield), organised by The Centre of Law and Cosmopolitan Values and the Research Group on Law and Government.

18-20 March 2013 - Doctoral Seminar on 'Global Multilevel Governance: Constitutionalisation or Plurality?', organized by the UA research groups on 'Government and Law' and 'Law and Development'.

26 February 2013 - Third Annual Doctoral congres on "Multilevel aspects of Public Law".

23-24 January 2013 - Seminar titled "Legal perspective on resilience in disaster regulation"


7 December 2012 - Doctoral Colloquium on the Justification of political authority, in collaboration with the Centre for Law and Cosmopolitan Values and the Institute of State and Law at the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.

8-9 November 2012 - Expert Seminar on "the Temporal effects of judicial decisions".

29-31 October 2012 - Second Law and Cosmopolitan Values Lecture by prof. dr. Matthias Kumm (WZB Berlin and NYU), entitled ''The Cosmopolitan State and Humanity's Law: An Integrative Conception of Global Public Law'''.

16 October 2012 - Seminar on (international) publication strategies by prof. dr. Morag Goodwin (Tilburg University)

5-6 July 2012 - Lunch Seminar and PhD seminar with Prof. Dr. Pasquale Pasquino.

7-8 June 2012 - Conference "Political Constutions", in London, a joint organization by the Centre for Law and Cosmopolitan Values & Glasgow Caledonion University.

15-16 May 2012 - International workshop "Law, sacrifice and morality: a comparative view", in Antwerp, a joint organization by the Centre for Law and Cosmopolitan Values & Institute for Jewish Studies.

7 May 2012 - Conference "The margin of appreciation and cultural diversity in Europe?", in Helsinki, a joint organization by the University of Helsinki & the Centre for Law and Cosmopolitan Values.

17 February 2012 - Second annual PhD fellows Seminar on "Legislative Validation".

25 January 2012 - Expedition Belgium: Training for teachers.


3-4 november 2011 - Expert Seminar "Judging Europe's Judges".

26 October 2011 - Congress on Disciplinary Law in local administrations.

21 October 2011 - Symposium "Belgium: Quo vadis?".

12 October 2011 - PhD Defense David Keyaerts on "The impact of the Better Regulation program in the case law of the European Court of Justice. The ECJ as guardian of legal quality in the EU?" .

10 October 2011 - PhD Lecture Petr Novotny on "The ECHR between law and politics (the margin of appreciation as a stepping stone to re-adjusting the current understanding of the content of rights in Europe)", organised by the Centre for Law and Cosmpolitan Values.

4 October 2011 - Congress on Spatial and Housing Planning

3 October 2011 - PhD Defense Christine Janssens on "The Principle of Mutual Recognition in the EU Internal Market and the EU Criminal Justice Area: A Study into the Viability of a Cross-Policy Approach".

16-17 June 2011 - Antwerp-Glasgow colloquium: Subsidiarity and its Discontent (Antwerp)

30 May 2011 - Congress on general principles of disciplinary law for civil servants.

27 May 2011 - International closed workshop on the role of courts in a context of multilevel governance.

19-21 May 2011 - Conference "Beyond Territoriality: Globalisation and Transnational Human Rights Obligations".

16 May 2011 - PhD Defense Catherine Van De Heyning on "Fundamental rights lost in complexity. The protection of fundamental rights against violations by the rulemaker in converging national and European legal systems".

4 May 2011 - PhD Defense Dajo De Prins on political parties (in Dutch "Het grondwettelijk statuut van politieke partijen. Over politieke partijen, democratie en recht" ).

8 April 2011 - Research Day Government & Law.

30 March 2011- 1 April 2011 - International closed workshop "Constitutional Conversations in Europe. Actors, Topics and Procedures"(in cooperation with University of Maastricht, The Netherlands)

24 February 2011 - Lunchseminar with Armen Mazmanyan speaking on"Comparative perspectives on adjudication of electoral disputed by constitutional courts" (in cooperation with Centre for Law and Cosmopolitan Values).

17-18 February 2011 - International seminar "Proportionality and Post-national Constitutionalism" (organised by the Centre for Cosmopolitan Values in cooperation with Research Group Government & Law, the Integrated Project Reconstituting Democracy in Europe, the Collaborative Research Centre Transformations of the State Universität Bremen, Germany).


17 December 2010 - Doctoral Symposium 'Do civilians have too many rights?'

18 November 2010 - Closed Workshop "Beleidsondersteunend Onderzoek - Casus Consultatieproject" by Prof. Popelier (UA).

3-4 June 2010 - Antwerp-Glasgow Colloquium (Glasgow, UK)

26 May - 8 June 2010 - School project on elections, Brussel-Halle-Vilvoorde and the Belgian federalism (David Keyaerts, Yannick Peeters, Maxime Penen, Werner Vandenbruwaene).

12 May 2010 - Class on current, institutional issues by prof. dr. Popelier and prof. dr. Velaers.

26 February 2010 - Workshop 'Legal Implications of Better Regulation'