In the media
August 2024: An article appeared in "C2W - Mens en molecule" (in Dutch) ("Nieuw Antwerps instituut legt chemie aan de stekker") about electrification of chemical processes. July 2024: A “Leaders of the LTP Community – Career Profiles” was published in the July issue of the International Low Temperature Plasma Community (ILTPC) Newsletter. June 2024: Catalisti interview: "New opportunities for electrification of the chemical industry with plasma technology". September 2022: On the FWO website (in Dutch) '' an article appeared ("Een luchtwasser en plasmareactor tegen de stikstofcrisis") about the use of plasma technology for converting unwanted NH3 exhaust into useful fertilizer. August 27, 2022: An article appeared in the Belgian newspaper "De Morgen" (in Dutch) (“Plasmatechnologie maakt ademen op Mars mogelijk”), about our plasma research on converting the Martian atmosphere (CO2 and N2) into O2, CO and NOx, to make future Mars explorations possible. Similar articles also appeared online (also in Dutch) in the Belgian newspapers Gazet Van Antwerpen, Het Nieuwsblad, Het Laatste Nieuw, as well as in Knack and (Maakt PLASMANT leven op Mars in de toekomst mogelijk?). Furthermore, the news was also featured on the national radio of Joe FM, Q-music and Nostalgie. The research was also mentioned on the ESA website: ESA - New plasma tech for oxygen, fuel and fertiliser from Mars' atmosphere and on Time.News: (Researchers from the University of Antwerp create crucial substances for survival on Mars | Science & Planet) |
July 30, 2022, An article appeared in "de Tijd" from Annemie Bogaerts (in Dutch) "Mest maken met lucht om landbouw te vergroenen". This article is about using plasma reactors for creating fertilizer. |
May 30, 2022 (Brussels): Annemie Bogaerts was invited together with 34 Renowned Chemistry Professors And 21 Young European Scientists to recreate 'The Iconic Photo Featuring Curie And Einstein'. |
May 27, 2022: Announcement at radio 2 news about the new ERC-POC project of Annemie Bogaerts on plasma-based NOx production from air for fertilizer applications. The news was picked up by several (Dutch) newspapers as well, eg. HLN (Belgium), Agro and Chemie (Netherlands), |
On the occasion of the International Day of Women in Science (2022/02/11), Annemie Bogaerts was interviewed for the Belgian national radio (in Dutch) |
Annemie Bogaerts is nominated for the AHA award of the University of Antwerp, as promising researcher for valorization of research. This was broadcasted on national TV (Kanaal Z, Video in Dutch with cc on youtube, starts from 2m45s or full video) |
On the occasion of the International Day of Women in Science, Annemie Bogaerts was interviewed for the Belgian national radio (in Dutch). For this occasion, our female researchers were put in the picture ! |
A new start-up D-CRBN is set to put scientific research into practice. The start-up transforms CO2 into useful products. See the press release or the articles in Gazet van Antwerpen and in MeMo (both in Dutch). An article also appeared in “De Tijd” in the framework of a series of articles about Climate Change (“De Grote Klimaatslag”). Moreover, D-CRBN is also included in the first issue of “ANTWERP INNOVATE. Georgi Trenchev was also interviewed for Kanaal Z, in a special edition about sustainable chemistry, BlueChem and BlueApp. |
An article appeared at ATV news on the production of ammonia without CO2 emissions, by a novel process using plasma in combination with filters from the automotive industry (in Dutch): "Wetenschappers realiseren doorbraak om ammoniak te produceren zonder CO2-uitstoot." This topic also appeared in "de Standaard" a Flemish newspaper and in EOS and Mens & Molecule (both in Dutch), two popular scientific magazines, and on VRT (Flemish public broadcasting) in Dutch" Onderzoekers van UAntwerpen en KULeuven leggen de basis voor "groene kunstmest". (see also pdf file) |
Annemie Bogaerts appeared in 'de klimaatraad#deoplosser' (video in Dutch on youtube) produced by the Flemish public broadcasting. This video is part of a series about handling the climate problem. |
Annemie Bogaerts appeared as Jury member on a television quiz called "De Campus Cup" on Canvas (Flemish public broadcasting). In the "Campus Cup" different groups of students are challenged on their knowledge on a wide variety of subjects. The use of plasma in different application fields appeared on episode 12, June 4, 2020. |
Annemie Bogaerts gave a lecture for Universiteit van Vlaanderen (video in Dutch on youtube), explaining why plasma can be a solution for cancer and climate, November 2019. In the framework of this lecture for Universiteit van Vlaanderen, the following text, published in the Flemish quality-magazine Knack, also explains what is plasma and why it can be a solution for cancer and climate. |
Annemie Bogaerts appeared in episode 4 of Innovation on “Kanaal Z” (video in Dutch with cc on youtube, starts from 3:18 or full video) about Blue_App (pre-incubator of UAntwerpen, for valorization of research); October 2019 |
An interview with Annemie Bogaerts about plasma appeared, in the Dutch journal “Mens & Molecule”, September 2019 |
An article appeared in EOS wetenschap from Kristof Bal (in Ducth) "Chemicus zonder reageerbuis". This article explains the importance of doing simulations for chemicists. |
In Februari 2019, Marleen Ramakers appeared in an elevator-pitch (1 minute video) explaining (in Dutch) how we can tackle climate change with an innovative plasma reactor. This video also appeared on "YouTube". |
End of 2018, Annemie Bogaerts (UAntwerp) and European colleagues received a prestigious ERC Synergy grant: SCOPE. |
On December 26nd, 2018 an article (in Dutch), entitled "Onderzoeksgeld voor vrouwelijke wetenschappers", was published in "De Standaard". |
On December 26nd, 2018 an article (in Dutch), entitled "Miljoenen voor wetenschappelijke girlpower", was published in the "Gazet van Antwerpen - Kempen". This article was referenced on the frontpage as "Wetenschappelijke 'girlpower ' haalt miljoenen binnen voor project en". |
On December 22nd, 2018 an article (in Dutch), entitled "Koud plasma - Milieuvriendelijk alternatief om kankercellen te doden", was published in the weekend section Pluto of Het Laatste Nieuws. |
In september 2018, an article (in Dutch), entitled "Kan plasma de wereld redden?", was published in the 'Pintra Magazine' of the University of Antwerp (no. 22). |
At the end of August 2018, Yury Gorbanev submitted a video for the EU Horizon 2020 - Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) 2018 Award competition in the category 'Meeting societal challenges (multidisciplinary)'. |
In July 2018 an article was published in “Horizon – EU Reserach & Innovation Magazine” about our research on the use of plasma-treated liquids for cancer treatment, referring to the EU-MSCA postdoc projects of Pankaj Attri and Yury Gorbanev in our group. |
On May 27, 2018 Marleen Ramakers was awarded the '2018 EOS Pipet Prize' for a promosing young scientists as well as the audience award. This was published in among others "Gazet van Antwerpen - Kempen", and by "Radio 1" (see after 1min29sec50") |
In April 2018, an interview with Marleen Ramakers was published "EOS Wetenschap" about transforming waste into primary resources (see also this blog). |
In January 2018, an article was published in “Mens & Molecule” about “plasma for CO2 conversion and N2 fixation”. |
In December 2017 our research on plasma-based nitrogen fixation was published as “key scientific article” on the website “Advances in Engineering”, a Canadian establishment founded in 2005, and seen as the leading source of trustworthy and timely Engineering research news. |
On November 29, 2017, an article was published in “Knack” on the use of plasma in the fight against climate change. |
On October 31, 2017, our research on plasma-based CO2 conversion was featured on the national TV (VRT-News at 1 pm and 7 pm) as promising technology for greenhouse gas conversion into value added chemicals and fuels. |
In June 2017, a double-interview with Annemie Bogaerts and Hans Willems (Secretary-General of the FWO) was published in “Universiteit Antwerpen” (magazine June-July-August 2017) about scientific research in Flanders, and the need for more funding for fundamental research. |
On June 30, 2017, an article was published in “De Tijd” on plasma medicine, referring to our research on plasma for cancer treatment. |
We published a paper, trying to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of nitrogen-fixation in a gliding arc plasma, together with researchers from Eindhoven University of Technology. This research makes it possible to convert nitrogen from the air into building blocks for e.g., mineral fertilizers. The paper was featured on the cover of the journal ChemSusChem. This was announced at the UAntwerpen website and picked up by some Flemish and Dutch media, with articles in “De Standaard”, “Gazet van Antwerpen” and “Blik op Nieuws”, on June 8 and 17, 2017. |
Annemie Bogaerts contributed to the “Viewpoint Document” of the Royal Academy of Belgium for Sciences and the Arts on “The chemical route to a CO2-neutral world“. This document can be downloaded (in Dutch); an English version of this viewpoint is published as review paper in 2017 in the journal ChemSusChem. |
In January 2016, the journal Spectroscopy published an interview with Annemie Bogaerts and Maryam Aghaei on: “What modeling reveals about the properties of an inductively coupled plasma”. This interview can be viewed in Spectroscopy 31(1) 52-59 (2016). |
In November 2015, the Plasma Fusion Roadshow (presented by DIFFER and TU/e) was organized at the University of Antwerp. This event takes place every 2 years, and attracts every time about 3,600 high-school students and their teachers. Our group contributes by demonstrating to these students how plasmas work, before and after the show. |
Stijn Heijkers has received on November 27, 2014, the "Lierse Scriptieprijs - catergorie Zimmer" for his MSc-thesis entitled: "Study of CO2/N2 plasma in a DBD- and microwave reactor". |
On October 13, 2014, Annemie Bogaerts gave a presentation (in Dutch) for the “Studium Generale Lecture Cycle” entitled: "Van de zon tot plasma-TV: plasma’s in ons dagelijks leven". |
PLASMANT has succeeded as the first Flemish research group to publish an article in the prestigious journal Advances in Physics. It is only the 2nd time that a Belgian researcher managed to publish in the 62-year existence of this journal (the previous one dating from almost 30 year ago). The journal belongs to the top 0.1% of papers in the academic field of Physics. |
ATV - CampusTV of November 2012 (in Dutch). |
Interview in the March 2012 issue of "Magazine Universiteit Antwerpen" (in Dutch; 620 kB). |