UPLA (Universal Procedure for Library Assessment) is a statistic model to register damages on collection level. This model, which has been developed by book restorer-preservation specialist Marijn de Valk in cooperation with Hoogduin paper restorers, has been commissioned by de Vlaamse Erfgoedbibliotheek. In this model a representative sample is taken from the collection to evaluate the physical condition of the entire collection. UPLA is, in the first place, a tool for librarians to help them develop initiatives to avoid and remedy damages to their collections, but eventually it has to evolve to a Schaderegister Vlaanderen (Inventory of damages Flanders) which provides reliable information that can be used by policymakers on governmental level.

Characteristic for this model is its execution by laymen, supervised by a restorer. The first test for the entire procedure was executed in the Ruusbroec Institute Library. A meticulously chosen sample of 300 books was screened for 23 types of damage, ranging from moderate to severe. An important aid in this stage was the Schadeatlas Bibliotheken (Atlas of Damages for Libraries), that gives an overview of all types of damages, including descriptions and images. This screening resulted in a reliable picture of the physical state of the entire collection. 

For more information, check www.upla-model.be.