PhD Seminar
How mother’s diet can affect daughter’s health and fertility: a focus on the oocyte.

Friday 12th December 2024
13h45 PhD Seminar
Invited speakers are Prof. María Arias Alvarez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain) and Dr. Miguel Velazquez (Newcastle University, UK)
Hosted by Prof. Jo Leroy and Dr. Waleed Marei (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Location: D.Q.003, Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Wilrijk, Belgium
17h Public PhD defence Inne Xhonneux
The interaction of pre- and postnatal obesogenic environments in affecting daughter’s metabolic health and oocyte quality: fundamental insights for sustainable advice.
Location: D.Q.002 'Promotiezaal', Campus Drie Eiken, Universiteitsplein 1, 2610 Wilrijk, Belgium
Both the seminar and the public PhD defence are free of charge but registration is mandatory.
Preliminary programme
13:45 Welcome and aim of the seminar: How mother’s diet can affect daughter’s health and fertility: a focus on the oocyte – Jo Leroy
14:00 How maternal diet dictates female fertility and daughter’s health: what we can learn from a rabbit oocyte model – María Arias Alvarez (20min talk and 10min discussion)
14:40 Nutrition during the preimplantation period and its impact on offspring postnatal development – Miguel Velazquez (20min talk and 10min discussion)
15:20 Mitochondria take center stage: direct effects of maternal diet-induced obesity on oocyte mitochondrial functions – Waleed Marei (20min talk and 10min discussion)
16:00 Break, Coffee & Bites and networking @ Building U
17:00 Public PhD defence Inne Xhonneux: “The interaction of pre- and postnatal obesogenic environments in affecting daughter’s metabolic health and oocyte quality: fundamental insights for sustainable advice.”