Bob Asselbergh

After obtaining my PhD in 2007 I pursued my growing passion for microscopy and obtained expertise in several microscopy-related techniques. I address the challenge of integrating the optimal imaging and analysis techniques in a biological context to answer questions related to complex neurological diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. An important research goal in the department is to study the pathogenic role of mutations that are identified by genetic approaches. To this end, we employ Drosophila, mouse and several cellular model systems to study the molecular and biological mechanisms of how these mutations cause neurological disease. The use of microscopy and the establishment of quantitative imaging assays are providing valuable tools to analyze the complex cell biological disturbances that result from these mutations. In my function, I provide scientific and technological microscopy-related support for the different research projects in our department. Other responsibilities include the maintenance and acquisition of microscopy equipment (light, fluorescence and confocal microscopes), training of researchers on the different microscopy systems and in digital imaging, and establishing networks for microscopy expertise in- and outside VIB and the university. Expertise Microscopy techniques and related disciplines: optics, light, fluorescence, confocal and electron microscopy, fluorescence modulation techniques, detectors, … Sample preparation and related disciplines: cell culture, anatomy and neurobiology of model organisms, fixation techniques (LM and EM), microtomy, immunocytochemistry and –histochemistry, live cell imaging, … Digital imaging and image analysis: filtering, segmentation, morphometry, stereology, automation of image analysis (scripting in ImageJ, Matlab, Cellprofiler), complex data analysis, …